Cardiac asthma is the term for paroxysmal breathlessness caused by left ventricular failure. What are the causes of asthma? What are the symptoms of cardiac asthma? What is the treatment of nocturnal dyspnea?
Asphin , also colloquially also cardiac asthma, is the term for paroxysmal dyspnea caused by left ventricular failure, with normal or sometimes increased right ventricular function. As a result of the failure, blood stagnates in the small (pulmonary) circulation. The consequence is pulmonary congestion, because the inefficient left ventricle is not able to "pump" all the blood flowing into it from the pulmonary circulation.
Cardiac dyspnea - symptoms
Another term for cardiac asthma isparoxysmal nocturnal dyspneabecause in the course of the disease, attacks of shortness of breath at night, after a long time after going to sleep, result in waking up. The shortness of breath disappears after at least half an hour after changing the position from lying down to sitting or standing (the patient sits down but does not walk, avoids exertion). Bouts of dyspnea also appear during exercise, as a result of a stressful situation, after a meal. In addition to shortness of breath, there are symptoms such as:
If the attacks of breathlessness are severe, prolonged, e.g. expectoration of pink sputum or cyanosis, see a doctor as soon as possible.
- cough (usually dry)
- coughing up pinkish sputum (indicates pulmonary edema, a life-threatening condition)
- decrease in exercise capacity
- cool and pale skin of the limbs
- excessive sweating
- confusion (caused by abnormal cerebral blood flow)
Cardiac dyspnea - diagnosis. What tests should be performed?
In the medical examination auscultatory over the pulmonary fields: crackles, rattles, noises, whistles may be present.
Cardiac dyspnea - treatment
Treatment of heart asthma is the treatment of the disease that has led to left ventricular failure. Attacks of this type of breathlessness usually occur in people suffering from various types of heart disease (e.g. myocarditis, coronary insufficiency, heart defects). In addition, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, i.e. to use the correct diet(sodium reduction), weight control, quitting smoking and alcohol consumption in limited amounts, increasing physical activity.
Your doctor may decide to use medications (including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, β-blockers, diuretics). Sometimes invasive treatment may also be necessary.