Hazelnuts, like other nuts, have numerous properties and nutritional values. However, in comparison with them, they are distinguished by a large content of vitamin E, that is "vitamins of youth and fertility". This is why hazelnuts are recommended for potency. Hazel fruits will also help to fight unnecessary fat, especially the so-called. donut. Check what other effects of hazelnuts have.
Hazelnuts , or hazelnuts, like other nuts, have numerousnutritional values andhealing properties . However, attention is drawn to the high content of vitamin E (15.03 mg / 100 g), ie "vitamins of youth and fertility". Hazelnuts also contain many B vitamins that strengthen the nerves, potassium, which lowers blood pressure, and calcium and phosphorus - elements that are responsible for strong bones and teeth. Hazelnuts also contain essential unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs), especially monounsaturated ones, which help fight unnecessary kilograms. In turn, modern phytotherapy recommends hazelnuts for cough. It is enough to add crushed nuts to milk or water with honey and drink the mixture. On the other hand, the leaves and bark of hazel are used to prepare a decoction for external use, which in folk medicine is considered a remedy for varicose veins.
Hazelnuts against hypertension, atherosclerosis and blood clots
Hazelnuts are a treasure trove of potassium (680 mg / 100 g), which regulates blood pressure. In addition, they contain a lot of fiber (9.7 mg / 100 g) and unsaturated fatty acids, which lower the level of "bad" cholesterol, and increase the level of "good" HDL, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Hazelnuts, like all nuts, are also rich in arginine - an amino acid that is converted into nitric oxide in the body, thereby increasing the lumen of blood vessels by relaxing their smooth muscles. In addition, the vitamin E contained in them prevents platelets from sticking together and thus prevents blood clots. Therefore, hazelnuts can be included in your diet to prevent cardiovascular disease.
This will be useful to youNutritional value of hazelnuts (in 100 g)Energy value - 628 kcal Total protein - 14.95 g Fat - 60.75 g Carbohydrates - 16.70 g (including simple sugars4.34) Fiber - 9.7 gVitaminsVitamin C - 6.3 mg Thiamine - 0.643 mg Riboflavin - 0.113 mg Niacin - 1.800 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.563 mg Folic acid - 113 µg Vitamin A - 20 IU Vitamin E - 15.03 mg Vitamin K - 14.2 µgMineralsCalcium - 114 mg Iron - 4.70 mg Magnesium - 163 mg Phosphorus - 290 mg Potassium - 680 mg Zinc - 2.45 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 4,464 g monounsaturated - 45,652 g polyunsaturated - 7,920 g
Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database
Hazelnuts for potency
Hazelnuts are a rich source of vitamin E, which is called the "fertility vitamin" for a reason. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive organs. Its deficiency reduces the secretion of the gonadotropic hormone, which contributes to the degeneration of sperm in men.
B vitamins, which are also abundant in hazelnuts (especially niacin, i.e. vitamin B3 - 1,800 mg / 100 g), also have a positive effect on potency and fertility, as they support the secretion of sex hormones.
Hazelnuts for strong nerves
B vitamins are also responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, improving memory and efficient thinking. Magnesium (163 mg / 100g) performs similar functions, which is also present in hazelnuts. Therefore, it is worth reaching for them in the period of increased nervous tension, stress and mental fatigue.
CHECK>>Diet to strengthen the nervous system
This will be useful to you
Buy shelled hazelnuts Buy shelled hazelnuts and split them just before eating. The shells protect the nuts from heat, air, light and moisture, slowing down the harmful oxidation process. If you are already opting for shelled nuts, better choose the prepackaged ones, not the ones sold by weight, in bulk. You can also collect hazelnuts yourself. Hazel fruits ripen from September to October. Remember that hazelnuts are harvested from the ground, not from the tree. Wild hazelnuts are found throughout Poland, as well as in other European countries and in Asia Minor. Noble varieties of hazel are grown in the Mediterranean (Turkey, Italy). Before eating nuts, it is worth smelling them. A musty smell may indicate that the nuts have been attacked by mold. Author: Time S.A It's time to keep your brain working well into old age. Take advantage of the MIND JeszCoLubisz diet, an innovative online dietary systemHe alth Guide. Support your mind every day, improve memory and concentration. Plus, enjoy an individually selected menu and constant contact with an experienced dietitian. The glycemic index of hazelnuts is 15, therefore, diabetics can reach for them without fear. In addition, it has been proven that nuts, including hazelnuts, lower blood sugar levels, and therefore can prevent type 2 diabetes. Hazelnuts, despite the fact that they have a lot of calories (628 kcal / 100 g) and fat (60.75 g / 100 g), should be included in a slimming diet because, as scientists argue, the fat in nuts does not make you fat. On the contrary - it activates the processes in the body that accelerate the burning of adipose tissue. In the case of hazelnuts, faster combustion applies especially to the so-called meninges - thanks to the dominance of monounsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, hazelnuts can help you lose weight (especially in a flat stomach diet), but only on condition that they are eaten in moderate amounts and instead of a meal, and not as an additional snack. GOOD TO KNOW>>Nuts to help you lose weight
Hazelnuts go well with sweet and s alty-spicy dishes. They can be an ingredient of salads, an addition to white meats or pastas. They will also work well for baking cakes. Shelled nuts should be stored in dark non-plastic containers as they become rancid quite quickly under the influence of heat and light In turn, with poppy seeds, they are one of the dishes on Christmas Eve - kutia. Hazelnuts are also used to produce the popular little nuts and halva. However, hazelnuts are the most pleasant to eat straight from the shell. Whereashazelnut oilgives meats, salads, salads and desserts a unique flavor. Remember to eat it only cold, and after opening it, store it at room temperature for no longer than 2 months. Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN Hazelnut Tincture - Recipe Hazelnut tincture(hazelnut) will strengthen the nervous system and help with stomach problems. Ingredients: 50 grams of young hazelnuts, 4 glasses of spirit, 35-40 grams of sugar, 2 glasses of water, 3-4 cloves and a two-centimeter piece of cinnamon. Up to two-literpour the spirit into a jar or bottles. Pour the washed, dried and chopped nuts into a spirit pan, then add the cloves and cinnamon. Close the tincture container, wrap it with dark paper and leave it at room temperature for 5 days to 4 weeks (but not longer, because it will be bitter). After this period, use water and sugar to cook a syrup. Decant the tincture of the nuts by straining through a strainer lined with a thin gauze pad. Rinse the nuts with a glass of cooked syrup, immediately pour through a gauze strainer along with the rest of the syrup and combine with the tincture. Cap the bottle with the tincture and leave it at room temperature for 4-6 months.
Hazelnuts and diabetes
Hazelnuts for weight loss
Hazelnuts - use in the kitchen
Anna Starmach's recipe for plums with hazelnut crumble