Parsley root is a vegetable whose nutritional and healing properties are underestimated by many. Parsley root is best known as an ingredient of soup vegetables. And this is usually where its application ends. Meanwhile, parsley root helps with digestive ailments and many others. The Russians are of a different opinion, who claim that parsley acts as … a drug. For this reason, it has been blacklisted for vegetables in this country.
Parsley rootis a vegetable whosehealing and nutritional propertiesare not as much appreciated aseffect parsley. Meanwhile, parsley root has long been used in folk medicine. For medicinal purposes, it is harvested in the fall or early spring and dried. It is worth knowing that there are two types of parsley - the flat-leaf, from which parsley is obtained (and its hard root is useless), and the root variety, from which the roots and leaves are harvested. The roots of parsley include, among others flavonoids (antioxidants that protect against serious diseases), mucus substances, sugar compounds and mineral s alts. However, the parsley root (as well as its fruits and seeds) is of greatest interest for its essential oil, which contains two psychoactive substances called apiol and myristicin.
Parsley root like a drug?
Myristicin produces effects similar to those of marijuana - dry mouth, euphoria, increased cheerfulness. There may also be hallucinations. There is little of it in the parsley root, as the root oil content is only 0.3-0.5 percent. Much more myristicin can be found in parsley seeds and fruits, where the oil content is as high as 5%. For this reason, the head of the Russian federal service Rospotrebnadzor has entered parsley on the list of plants containing narcotic substances, and its cultivation is supervised.
Apiol also has a psychoactive effect and more. In women, it can cause uterine contractions and pain (and in pregnant women, lead to miscarriage), as well as induce or increase monthly bleeding, provided that parsley extracts andparsley seed oilin too high doses or bylonger time. Therefore, they should not be given to pregnant women and young children.
Parsley oilfounduse in the kitchenandcosmetics . It can be used cold for food or as a care product for damaged, mature, acne-prone skin, and to get rid of scars, stretch marks and discoloration.
Worth knowingCan the parsley root be eaten raw?
Parsley root contains only small amounts of psychoactive substances, so after washing and peeling it can be eaten raw.
Parsley root in digestive disorders
Parsley root has a disinfecting effect and reduces the tension of smooth muscles in the intestines and urinary tract, thanks to which it exhibits carminative properties. In addition, it stimulates (albeit to a small extent) the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, which facilitates digestion and assimilation of food. Therefore, parsley root can be used in digestive disorders that are manifested by anorexia, flatulence or abdominal pain.
Parsley is also one of the vegetables recommended in the course of chronic pancreatitis, in chronic liver diseases with good fat tolerance, and in the diet of gout.
Worth knowingNutritional value of raw parsley root (per 100 g)Energy value - 55 kcal (232 kJ) Total protein - 2.3 g Fat - 0.6 g Carbohydrates - 12.3 g Fiber - 4.3 g VitaminsVitamin C - 41 mg Thiamine - 0.10 mg Riboflavin - 0.08 mg Niacin - 2.0 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.23 mg Folic acid - 180 µg Vitamin A - 2.50 REVitamin E - 1.7 mgMinerals
Calcium - 48.5 mg Iron - 1.2 mg Magnesium - 36 mg Phosphorus - 71.7 mg Potassium - 562 mg Sodium - 17 mg Zinc - 0.23 mg Manganese - 0.46 mg Data source: National Food Institute - Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Parsley root - diuretic properties
Parsley root increases the amount of urine output, which is why it is used in natural medicine for reduced urine output, edema and urolithiasis, as well as for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.
Parsley root for hypertension
Parsley root contains large amounts of potassium (562 mg / 100 g), which regulates blood pressure. It is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Potassium is also involved in oxygenating the brain, improving the ability to think and concentrate. Besides, without it, the muscles will not endure.
ImportantParsley can cause photosensitization
Parsley root has potential photosensitizing properties. During overexposure to sunlight, it cancause skin changes resembling hives.
Parsley root - use in the kitchen
Parsley root - along with carrots, celery, leek and parsley - is part of the so-called vegetables, on the basis of which the stock is prepared for soups. It can be an addition to cottage cheese, vegetable and pasta casseroles, stews and even seafood.
This will be useful to youParsley root infusion recipe
1 tablespoon chopped parsley root pour 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Brew covered for 15 minutes. Then set aside for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day between meals as a diuretic, antiseptic, carminative and antispasmodic. It is recommended to take 1 tablet of vitamin B1 at the same time.
The recipe comes from: Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W.,Medicinal plants and their practical application , Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987.
Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W.,Medicinal plants and their practical application , Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987.