Lentils have many nutritional values, and hence - he alth properties. Lentils primarily contain a lot of protein, which can be an alternative to protein of animal origin. It is also a very rich source of potassium important for the heart and folic acid needed during pregnancy. Check what other properties lentils have and which is the best - red, green or yellow?
Lentils , like other legumes, has uniquehe alth-promoting properties , as it is a treasury of many nutrients. Lentils are a source of easily digestible protein, as well as potassium-lowering blood pressure and folic acid necessary for pregnant women.
On the other hand, scientists from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn found in lentils (as well as in other legumes, vegetables and fruits) tannins - compounds that can protect the body against cancer, e.g. slowing down the rate of cancer cell division.
There are several types of lentils with slightly different calories and nutrients. However, the he althiest ones arelentil sprouts . Compared to cooked seeds, they contain more vitamins and minerals.
Lentils - an alternative to meat
Lentils can be an alternative to animal-derived protein, i.e. the one found in meat. 100 g of cooked lentils contain 9.02 g of this nutrient.
It is true that it is a defective protein (it does not contain all the necessary amino acids), but combining lentils with other plant products in one meal (the principle: products lacking important amino acids should be combined with those that have an abundance of them) ), e.g. cereal (dumplings with lentils) or potatoes, can create a good source of wholesome protein - we learn from the website of the Food and Nutrition Institute.
It should also be noted that the protein of lentils, next to soybean protein, is the best digestible protein of plant origin (85%). For comparison - the digestibility of meat is 96 percent. Remember that lentils should be s alted 10 minutes before the end of cooking to avoid protein loss.
CHECK>>vegetable or animal PROTEIN - which to choose?
Therefore, lentils can be found in the diet of not only vegetarians, but also people who, for he alth reasons, must limit the consumption of meat rich in unhe althy saturated fatty acids. Energy value - 116 kcal Total protein - 9.02 g Fat - 0.38 g Carbohydrates - 20.13 g (including simple sugars 1.80) Fiber - 7.9 g Vitamins Vitamin C - 1.5 mg Thiamine - 0.169 mg Riboflavin - 0.073 mg Niacin - 1.060 mg Pantothenic acid - 0.157 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.178 mgFolic acid - 181 μgVitamin A - 8 IUVitamin K - 1.7 μg Minerals Calcium - 19 mg Iron - 3.33 mg Magnesium - 36 mg Phosphorus - 180 mgPotassium - 369 mgSodium - 2 mg Zinc - 1.27 mgData source : USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Lentils are low in sodium and are a treasury of potassium - 100 g of cooked grains contain as much as 369 mg of this element. This combination supports the treatment and also prevents arterial hypertension. In addition, lentils in large amounts (almost 8 mg / 100 g) contain fiber, which helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, thanks to which it regulates blood pressure. This is confirmed by American scientists who argue in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that consuming at least one serving of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils a day significantly reduces LDL cholesterol, and thus reduces not only blood pressure, but also also the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and further cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke or heart attack. Lentils are also helpful in the treatment of anemia (anemia) - both the one resulting from iron deficiency, as well as folic acid and vitamin B12, i.e. megaloblastic anemia. Lentils contain large amounts of iron (3.33 mg / 100 g) and folic acid (181 μg / 100 g), which favor the formation of red blood cells and increase the level of hemoglobin. Boiled lentils in 100 g contain not little, because as much as 116 kcal. However, in its composition it has little fat and a large amount of fiber that fills the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness for a long time, thus reducing the appetite for sweet snacks. This is confirmed by the results of research by scientists from Canada, who have shown that legumes are extremely effective in satisfying hunger. They argue thateating one portion of this type of plant a day increases satiety by 1/3 compared to a diet without them. In addition, lentils are rich in folic acid and B vitamins - substances that regulate the functioning of the nervous system, the proper functioning of which is necessary to survive the hardships of weight loss. Red lentils , which is the most popular, is a shellless brown lentil (thanks to the lack of a shell, it is better absorbed by the body). Red lentils easily overcook, which is why they are an ideal ingredient in soups. In addition, it does not require prior soaking. Brown lentil , which has a distinctive flavor, is often an ingredient in vegetarian pates and bread. You can also use it for making minced cutlets or making stews. Green lentilshas a very delicate taste and does not fall apart after cooking, but remains flowable. It can be used to prepare sandwich pastes or stuffing for dumplings or croquettes. It also goes well with salads. Yellow lentils,like green lentils, have a delicate flavor. In turn, it has the same thing in common with red lentils that it easily disintegrates after cooking, which is why it is also suitable for soups. There are alsoblack lentilswhich looks like caviar. Suitable for soups and savory snacks. In stores you can also getcoral lentils , which has a pink color andorange lentils , which, like red and yellow, has a delicate, sweetish flavor and easily overcooked, so you can obtain the consistency of a cream or puree. The most expensive and aromatic is the dark greenFrench du Puy lentils , which keeps its shape when cooked. You can also prepare flour from lentils, which can be used as a base for other products. For example, in Asian countries it is made into bread. Lentils have a low glycemic index. All because it consists mainly of complex carbohydrates (for 20.13 g of carbohydrates, only 1.80 are simple sugars). In addition, lentils are a source of fiber that lowers blood glucose levels. Therefore, diabetics can consume it. It is worth knowing that green lentils have the lowest glycemic index (IG=25), then red (IG=30), and the largest yellow (IG=35). The Ministry of He alth recommends that women of childbearing age (even those not planning a child)consumed 400 micrograms of folic acid. Vitamin B9 can prevent the development of congenital neural tube defects in the fetus, such as anencephaly, nervous system hernias, and spina bifida. 100 g of cooked lentils provides 181 micrograms of this valuable vitamin, thereforecovers 45 percent. daily requirement for folic acid. In turn, in pregnant women, this dose may increase from 400 to even 600 micrograms. Eating lentils should be avoided by people with digestive problems because it causes gas and over-fermentation in the intestines. All because of the oligosaccharides contained in it. They are not digested thoroughly because humans do not produce the enzyme (alpha-galactosidase) necessary to break them down completely. Therefore, there is an increase in gas production in the large intestine and unpleasant ailments from the digestive system. Each type of lentil has a different hardness, so each of them should be cooked differently. The least time is spent on preparing red and yellow lentils, because they do not need to be soaked beforehand and they are only boiled for a dozen or so minutes - about 15. The green lentils only need to be rinsed and cooked for about 30 minutes. The hardest grains are brown lentils, which, after soaking (for at least 30 minutes), should be cooked for up to an hour. Remember that lentils are very water-absorbing and double their volume when cooking, so pour twice as much water into the pot as you put in lentils (the ideal ratio is two glasses of water for a glass of lentils). Lentils should only be s alted at the end of cooking (about 10 minutes before it is finished) for two reasons. Later s alting will prevent hardening of the grains (which will affect the taste) and loss of protein. It is good to know that lentils can be stored for a year. During this time, its color may change, but it does not change the properties and taste of the lentils. Cooked lentils can be stored in the refrigerator for one week. Source: x-news / TVN Style BEANS - nutritional value, bean species, preparation methods Legumes: properties, recipes. Legumes and slimming Green beans - properties and nutritional values, caloriesCheck how much protein your legumes have
See the gallery of 7 photosImportant
Average nutritional value of cooked (without s alt) lentils in 100 g
Lentils prevent hypertension, anemia and atherosclerosis
Lentils and slimming
Lentils - types. What can you make of it?
Lentils and diabetes
Lentils important for pregnant women
Lentils - who can it harm?
Lentils - how to cook it?
Recipe for lentil pate