Fibroma is a benign neoplastic tumor that appears as a lumpy growth that appears in various parts of the body. Although fibroids are neoplastic changes, they do not pose a threat to he alth because they do not malign. However, they are an aesthetic problem and that is why many people decide to remove the fibroma. How to get rid of fibromas?
Fibromas- bothfibromasoft andfibromahard - these are benign neoplastic tumors, which arise from fibrous connective tissue. Despite the fact that they are neoplastic changes, they do not pose a he alth risk as they do not become malignant, so they do not need to be removed. However, many people choose to do so because fibroids are often an aesthetic problem.
Find out more about cancers and how they are classified
Fibromas - causes
Fibromassoft usually are congenital changes. They can appear in the course of Recklinghausen disease (neurofibromatosis type 1), along with neurofibromas and neuromas.
On the other hand,hard fibromasare acquired lesions - most often they arise as a result of a past trauma, wound, bite and local inflammation.
Fibrous soft
Soft fibromas
- are spherical nodules of various sizes (from 1 mm to 1 cm and more)
- they can "grow" directly from the skin or be connected to it with a tissue strip
- most often they have the color of the skin, although they can also be brown
- they are soft to the touch, they can be inserted deep into the skin by pressure with a finger
- often occur
- can appear anywhere on the skin, but usually they form on the neck and cleavage, armpits, breasts, groin, eyelids
- can occur at any age and of both genders, but most often they are diagnosed in older women
Hard fibrosis
Hard fibromas
- usually appear as a single small bump
- are red to brown in color and the surface is smooth or rough
- most often appear singly
- usually appear on the extremities
- are hard to the touch
Włókniak: recognition
For a diagnosis of fibroma, see a dermatologist (notbeauticians). The physician should distinguish these types of lesions from papillomas or lipomas. In the case of numerous changes in the penis, genital warts should be excluded.
How to remove fibromas?
In the case of large lesions, surgical excision is recommended (but then a scar remains). In other cases, you can choose from:
- electrosurgery - the change is burned out with an electric current
- cryotherapy - the nodule is frozen with liquid nitrogen
- CO fractional laser2- enables the phase transformation of intracellular water into a gas (water vapor), which results in "evaporation" of the tumor.
Fibers are not accompanied by any ailments, such as pain or itching. Unfortunately,fibroidsmay grow back after removal.