Ferritin is a protein whose task is to accumulate iron, so the result obtained in a biochemical test allows you to assess the level of iron in the body. Check what are the norms of ferritin for women and which are for men and what its excess or deficiency may indicate.

Ferritin , the level of which is checked in biochemical tests, is present in all tissues of the body, mainly in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. It is the best parameter for assessing iron deficiency, because only a deficiency of this element can lowerferritin levels .

Ferritin: Standards

The ferritin norm is different for men and women, the correct values ​​are respectively:

  • for men - 15-400 µg / l
  • for women - 10-200 µg / l

What can the excess of ferritin mean?

Ferritin belongs to the acute phase proteins, so an increase in its concentration in a blood biochemical test may mean:

  • inflammation
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • liver damage
  • necrosis of liver cells
  • spleen damage
  • bone marrow cell damage
  • iron overload (primary or post-transfusion hemochromatosis)

The excess of ferratin may also occur in the course of megaloblastic, aplastic or haemolytic anemia.

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