Peppers are a good source of nutritional value. Moreover, as one of the few vegetables, paprika retains its properties under the influence of stewing and baking. Fresh pepper contains more vitamin C than lemon, and powdered pepper improves digestion and stimulates the appetite. The medicinal properties of paprika also include, among others preventing calcification of blood vessels and eliminating headaches.
Pepper(capsicum annuum) is a plant from the nightshade family, which thanks to itspropertiesandnutritional values foundusednot only in cooking, but also in natural medicine in Central and South America 6000 years ago. Diego Alvaraez Chanca, accompanying Columbus' second expedition in 1493, brought the pepper seeds to Europe.
However, the Hungarians contributed to the popularization of the culinary qualities of paprika in Europe, and they started to cultivate it in 1526, and then made it their culinary banner. We like healos, numerous paprika? Exactly! And without Hungarian inventiveness and paprika, they would not be there. It is worth knowing that it was from Hungarian peppers that in the 1930s crystalline ascorbic acid - i.e. vitamin C.
Nutritional information of paprika: vitamins and minerals
Paprika is an invaluable source of vitamin C. It contains four or five times more than lemons. This vitamin is destroyed in other vegetables and fruits under the influence of culinary processes. Not in paprika. Both fresh pods eaten in salads and various dishes and preserves made from them are valuable!
To remove seeds, cut off the top of the pepper.
The Aztecs already knew that paprika promotes longevity, maintaining a nice complexion and vitality.
It is a treasury of powerful antioxidants that protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Half a medium fresh pepper (10 grams) provides the daily dose of beta-carotene, two pods cover the daily requirement for vitamin E.
Lycopene contained in the pepper captures free radicals. Peppers provide a lot of B vitamins and potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, and low in calories.
Raw peppers are the he althiest, butit also retains a lot of nutrients when stewed or baked. Paprika undergoes little change in the processing process.
Worth knowingNutritional value of pepper (in 100 g) - sweet red / green / yellowEnergy value - 31/20/27 kcal Total protein - 0.99 / 0.86 / 1.00 g Fat - 0.30 / 0.17 / 0.21 g Carbohydrates - 6.03 / 4.64 / 6.32 g (including simple sugars 4.20 / 2.40 g / -) Fiber - 2.1 / 1.7 / 0.9 gVitaminsVitamin C - 127.7 / 80.4 / 183.5 mg Thiamine - 0.054 / 0.057 / 0.028 mg Riboflavin - 0.085 / 0.028 / 0.025 mg Niacin - 0.979 / 0.480 / 0.890 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.291 / 0.224 / 0.168 mg Folic acid - 46/10/26 µg Vitamin A - 3131/370/200 IU Vitamin E - 1.58 / 0.37 / - mg Vitamin K - 4.9 / 7.4 / - µgMineralsCalcium - 7/10/11 mg Iron - 0.43 / 0.34 / 0.46 mg Magnesium - 12/10/12 mg Phosphorus - 26/12 / 24 mg Potassium - 211/175/212 mg Sodium - 4/3/2 mg Zinc - 0.25 / 0.13 / 0.17 mgData Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Paprika is a vitamin record holder. Which is the best color?
Source: TVN
ImportantWho shouldn't eat paprika?
Despite many nutritional values and vitamins, pepper belongs to the nightshade family, so it should be eliminated from the diet of people suffering from various rheumatic diseases and arthrosis, as well as people allergic to pepper.
Medicinal properties of paprika: improves digestion and reduces headache
Vitamins C, A and E, which are abundant in paprika, inhibit cell aging, strengthen immunity, improve the condition of blood vessels, weaken the harmful effects of bad cholesterol, protecting against atherosclerosis.
Green and red peppers are the fruits of the same plant. Red pepper is simply more mature and contains more vitamin C and beta carotene than green pepper.
Powdered hot pepper is not only a popular spice that improves digestion and stimulates the appetite, but also a remedy for headaches that has been used in folk medicine for many years. Capsaicin, which gives peppers a searing taste, has a warming and analgesic effect. It cleanses the respiratory tract, alleviating the symptoms of colds. However, hot pepper should be eaten in moderation so as not to irritate the digestive tract.
Pepper is a mild diuretic, and when consumed often it lowers blood pressure. It also protects against premature calcification of blood vessels.
Extracts of hot pepper varieties containing capsaicin are used in medicine in the form of various types of ointments, plasters and liniments - used in radiculitis, rheumatic pains, neuralgia.
"Pepper" drugs are also used internally in atony of the stomach and intestines, insufficient secretion of digestive juices, flatulence and constipation, due to the fiber contained in it, which regulates the digestive tract.
Worth knowingPeppers - varieties
The rich variety of peppers, from sweet to very hot, allows you to choose your favorite species. For seasoning, thin-walled varieties with small berries are used. A type of vegetable, such as the popular in Poland Bell pepper (its walls are thick and fleshy, and the fruit is good), are used as the main ingredient of a dish, for example in soups or cures. In some countries, paprika is especially liked, which is why, for example, in Mexico and Hungary, paprika is a characteristic ingredient of many regional dishes.
Baked, pickled pepper - recipes
Source: Gotować