Strawberries have numerous properties and nutritional values. The he alth impact of strawberries cannot be overestimated. It is recommended for rheumatics suffering from liver and kidney diseases - because they are diuretic. Strawberries also have a beneficial effect on the heart: they lower cholesterol and blood pressure. What other properties do strawberries have?
- Strawberries - properties
- Strawberries - calories, nutritional values
- Strawberries and diabetes
- Strawberries and allergy
- Strawberries and slimming
- Strawberries and pesticides
- Strawberries - leaf properties
- Strawberries - use in cosmetics
- Strawberries - use in the kitchen
- Strawberries - selection and storage
- Strawberries - how to distinguish Polish from foreign?
Strawberrieshave numerouspropertieshe alth andnutritional values , plus they are low in calories. Strawberries improve appetite, quench thirst, and heal sore throats and hoarseness. They bring relief in urinary tract disorders and improve digestion - in such cases, you should eat them before a meal.
Pectin contained in strawberries stimulate the work of the intestines, and organic acids accelerate the metabolism .¹ Due to the high content of vitamins, these fruits should be chosen by people suffering from anemia or diseases related to vitamin deficiency.
Strawberries also contain numerous vitamins, especially vitamin C. 1 cup of strawberries contains 82 mg of vitamin C, which is 120% of the daily requirement in adults.
Research published by the Archives of Opthalmology found that eating three or more servings of fruits as rich in vitamin C as strawberries can reduce the risk of blindness in the elderly.
In turn, European scientists have established that eating strawberries protects the gastric mucosa from alcohol-induced damage. What other properties do strawberries have?
Strawberries - properties
- anti-cancer properties
Studies have shown that strawberries owe their anti-cancer properties to a good amount of vitamin C and ellagic acid.
This acid is an antioxidant, it supportsthe immune system and counteracts carcinogens, both synthetic and naturally occurring in food, thus preventing the transformation of neoplastic cells .¹
Strawberries can also neutralize the carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines, which are contained in thermally processed products.
The anti-cancer properties of strawberries have been scientifically proven. A team of scientists from Spain and Italy confirmed that polyphenol-rich strawberry extract can inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cells.
In turn, the dietary fiber contained in strawberries supports intestinal peristalsis, which prevents the development of colon cancer.
Strawberries have more vitamin C than the famous oranges.
- lower cholesterol
In addition to vitamin C and ellagic acid, strawberries also contain flavonoids such as anthocyanins, catechins, quercetin and kaempferol. These substances help lower cholesterol levels, contribute to the stability of atherosclerotic plaques, improve vascular endothelial function and reduce the tendency to venous thrombosis .¹
This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, which has been scientifically proven. Eating at least three servings of strawberries a week can reduce the risk of a heart attack in women by up to a third, scientists from the United States and the United Kingdom have found. An article on this subject was published in "Circulation".
- can whiten your teeth
The surprising fact is that strawberries can whiten your teeth and prevent tartar build-up. Proponents of this theory rub the teeth and gums with strawberry slices, leave it for 45 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreWorth knowingStrawberries -calories,nutritional values (in 100 g)Energy value - 32 kcal Total protein - 0.67 g Fat - 0.30 g Carbohydrates - 7.68 g (including simple sugars 4.89 g) Fiber - 2.0 gVitaminsVitamin C - 58.8 mg Thiamine - 0.024 mg Riboflavin - 0.022 mg Niacin - 0.386 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.047 mg Folic acid - 24 µg Vitamin A - 12 IU Vitamin E - 0.29 mg Vitamin K - 2.2 µgMineralsCalcium - 16 mg Iron - 0.41 mg Magnesium -13 mg Phosphorus - 24 mg Potassium - 153 mg Sodium - 1 mg Zinc - 0.14 mgFatty acidssaturated - 0.015 g monounsaturated - 0.043 g polyunsaturated - 0.155 g Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Strawberries and diabetes
Strawberries have a low glycemic index (IG=40) and contain fructose metabolized without insulin, so they can also be enjoyed by people with diabetes.
The more so as research by scientists from the Salk Institute for Biological Science in San Diego has shown that the physetins (flavonoids) contained in strawberries help reduce the complications associated with type 1 diabetes. ¹
Scientists have proven that they reduce diabetic nephropathy and the risk of diabetic retinopathy or neuropathy, which is manifested by numbness in the arms and legs.
- LEVEL - properties, nutritional values, vitamins
- He alth benefits of raspberries - raspberries fight fever, diarrhea and period pains
- CHERRY - he alth properties. What vitamins and minerals are cherries rich in?
Strawberries and allergy
Strawberries are highly allergenic products. For this reason, strawberries should be given carefully to children from 10 months of age. If they cause an allergy, you have to give them up and introduce them to the child's diet only in the second year of life, of course with caution. Note: allergies can occur even in adults who have not had such problems before.
That's why we don't eat strawberries in large quantities right away. Since these fruits also contain salicylates, people allergic to salicylic acid will most likely not be able to eat them. Patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome will also have a problem.
- Allergic to strawberries. What are the symptoms of an allergy to strawberries?
It is worth knowing that tiny stones on the peel and in the flesh of fruit can cause severe diarrhea. However, there is nothing bad that would not turn out to be good, because this is why people who suffer from constipation will be satisfied.
Berries - why you should eat them!

In 2022 there will be fewer strawberries than a year ago (by about 20-30%), and their prices will therefore be higher. Drought, followed by frosts and flooding caused that some of the plantations were lost.
Strawberries and slimming
Pectins contained in strawberries stimulate the intestines, and organic acids regulate digestion and accelerate metabolism. A 100-gram serving of strawberries contains only 32 kcal, so you can eat them with almost impunity.
- STRAWBERRY DIET - is it possible to lose weight by eating strawberries?
In addition, strawberries are choleretic, so they also stimulate the work of the liver and gall bladder. In addition, strawberries are diuretic (90% of which are made of water), so by supporting the work of the kidneys, they help to lose weight.
Eating fruit - Eight he althy rules

Strawberries and pesticides
Strawberry topped the "Dirty Dozen" ranking for the third time in a row. This is the annual report of the most contaminated fruits and vegetables prepared by the American Environmental Working Group.
- Parszywa 12 - fruit and vegetables most contaminated with pesticides
In over 98 percent the tested strawberries were found to contain at least one pesticide. Some samples showed the presence of as many as 20 different plant protection products!
Nobody conducts this type of research in Poland, but it can be suspected that our strawberries are also not free from pesticides.
The worst disease that occurs on strawberries is gray mold, which under favorable conditions can develop within 24 hours.
- Gray mold on strawberries. How to avoid it?
Strawberries - he alth properties of leaves
Strawberry leaves also have he alth benefits. They are rich in tannins, mineral s alts and organic acids. Interestingly, they also contain trace amounts of essential oil.
In natural medicine, the infusion of leaves is recommended in the case of diarrhea, colitis or bleeding from the female reproductive tract. A decoction of the leaves can be used in kidney stones, and dried and grated into a powder as compresses on minor burns .¹
Strawberries - use in cosmetics
Strawberries are also used in cosmetics. They are added to the powder as a powder. Strawberries are also used to make masks that have anti-acne properties, soothe eczema and sunburn.
- Strawberry mask will eliminate acne and dandruff symptoms - RECIPE
Strawberry-based products are therefore good for people who have problems with enlarged pores, excessive seborrhea or dry, flaky skin.
Worth knowingStrawberry Made from… wild strawberries. In the old continent, wild strawberries grew wild in forests and meadows. It was only King Louis XIV of France that accidentally changed this state of affairs. He sent his spies to South America for military purposes where on the premisesin today's Chile, one of them (Amèdèe-François Frèzier) found wild strawberries much larger than those known to Europeans .¹
As a gift, he decided to take some seedlings to the king. They were planted in the royal garden, but they did not yield much. The ruler was determined to obtain more fruit, so he hired botanists to take care of it .¹
One of them crossed a Chilean variety (Fragaria chiloensis) with a virginian one (Fragaria virginiana), obtaining an excellent result, the fruit is large and juicy, which we know today as "strawberries"
Strawberry is grown in all countries of temperate, cool climate, and even in subtropics. The world's largest producers of this fruit are the United States, Japan and China.
Strawberries - use in the kitchen
Strawberries are widely used in the kitchen. They are processed into frozen foods, compotes, juices, jams, marmalades, jellies, sorbets.
The best variety for jams, juices and frozen foods is senga sengana. The fruits are large, dark red and aromatic. Geneva is almost as valuable.
- White strawberries available in Poland! Pineberry, or pineapple-flavored strawberries
Black strawberries, also known as purpuratki, are suitable for preserves only in combination with other fruits, e.g. gooseberries or rhubarb.
In turn, pineapple or senga precosa are typical dessert varieties of strawberries. But early kama is perfect for those who want to make preserves at the beginning of the season.
- Strawberry recipes for active people
Strawberries - selection and storage
Medium-sized strawberries are usually tastier than large ones.
The fruit should be firm and dry to the touch. They should have stalks, a deep red color and a characteristic smell. Do not buy bruised and moldy. Remove moldy and damaged fruit.
Refrigerated, they stay fresh for several days.
Strawberries should be washed just before use. Before washing, the stalks should not be removed so that the fruit does not soak up with water, which would affect the taste and texture.
Strawberries hate soaking, you should only wash them under running water.
Strawberries - how to distinguish Polish from foreign?
Some producers sell imported strawberries under the national banner. How not to be fooled? Polish strawberries differ in color from foreign ones. They are a bit lighter. They are redder. The imported ones have the color of such an overripe maroon.
Polish strawberries are smaller, harder and firmer than those imported from Spain, Greece or Hungary.
The size of the fruit should also pay attention. Polish strawberries are smaller, harder and firmer than those imported from Spain, Greece or Hungary.
Besides, the price of Polish strawberries is usually slightly higher due to more difficult weather conditions, and thus a smaller harvest in the case of May frosts, which often destroy part of the crop. Ultimately, this may raise the price of a domestic fruit by a few zlotys.
Watch the video - Agnieszka Piskała, a dietitian, about the nutritional values of strawberries
Source: Dzień Dobry TVN / x-news
1. Zdrojewicz Z., Bieszczad N., Gąsior P., Rogoza A., Eat strawberries - you'll be he althier, "Medycyna Rodzinna" 2022, No. 1
2. Grotto D., 101 products for he alth and life, full of Olejnik D., ed. Vesper, Poznań 2010
3. Rochalska M., Orzeszko-Rywka A., Czapla K., The content of nutrients in strawberries depending on the cultivation system, "Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering" 2011, Vol. 56 (4)
See what fruits are rich in vitamin C!