Yeast is a source of B vitamins, therefore it promotes he alth and beauty. They increase physical efficiency, and are also recommended in situations of mental exhaustion, for overworked people and those exposed to constant stress. Yeast also helps in nourishing acne-prone and acne-prone skin. What other properties does yeast have?
Yeast as a source of B vitamins
Yeastshave no competitors when it comes to the richness of B vitamins. The mostnutritional valuehasbrewer's yeast(also called beer or brewery). They are superior to baker's yeast, which cannot be eaten raw. Brewer's yeast is recommended for teenagers with acne, for young women who want beautiful, shiny hair, for a stressed 40-year-old, and for a 70-year-old convalescent.
What are the nutritional values of yeast?
Brewer's yeast is undoubtedlygreat allies of he alth . They are an excellent source of easily digestible protein. Brewer's yeast contains almost the entire set of B vitamins and many minerals, including:
- phosphorus,
- zinc,
- magnesium,
- iron,
- potassium,
- selenium,
- chrome.
Due to its rich composition, brewer's yeast isan ideal dietary supplementfor skin or hair problems. The high content of biotin (vitamin H) makes the hair more resilient and stops graying and hair loss.
Brewer's yeast is alsoa good source of pantothenic acid(vitamin B5), so needed, for example, in case of excessive fatigue. They also contain large amounts of chromium, which is part of the so-called glucose tolerance factor - together with insulin it facilitates the transport of glucose to individual cells of the body.
Brewer's yeast can be bought in pharmacies in the form of lozenges. They are often diversified, e.g.
- melissa,
- mint,
- nettle,
- pansy,
- sparkling,
- bee pollen.
What are the properties of yeast in tablets?
Yeast pastilles are recommended for many ailments, including:
- relieve migraines,
- help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases,
- stimulate the immune system.
Yeast lozenges areallies of hyperactive and nervous people , as well as those who struggle with insomnia. They improve concentration, so they can "cheer up" during intensive learning. During therapy with antibiotics, they help maintain the bacterial balance in the body. They increase physical efficiency , are also recommended in situations of mental exhaustion , for overworked people, suffering from constant fatigue, stress or for patients recovering from he alth.
Read also: Kombucza (kombucha) - properties of the tea mushroom
Worth knowingNutritional values of baker's yeast (per 100 g)
Energy value- 92 kcal
- Protein - 11.3 g
- Carbohydrates - 14.5 g
- Saturated fatty acids - 0.26 g
- Monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.34 g
- Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids - 0.99g
- Fiber - 7.4 g
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.77 mg
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1.06 mg
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - 8.27 mg
- Vitamin B6 - 0.42 mg
- Folates - 1.407 µg
- Vitamin E - 0.81 mg
- Calcium - 30 mg
- Iron - 5 mg
- Magnesium - 61 mg
- Phosphorus - 272 mg
- Potassium - 592 mg
- Sodium - 41 mg
- Zinc - 2.79 mg
- Iodine - 0.6 µg
Hair yeast: home remedy for shiny hair
Brewer's yeast is obtained as aby-product of beer production.They are cleaned and stripped of the characteristic bitterness. In addition, the content of nucleic acids in them is reduced, because their excess may cause gout.
Yeast for acne: home remedy for pimples
Yeast has been used in cosmetics .They mainly help in nourishing acne-prone and acne-prone skin. Yeast cosmeticsregulate the secretion of sebum and reduce the number of blackheads . People with skin problems should use tonics, creams, peelings, masks with the addition of "budding" unicellulars. Baths are effective: a cube of baker's yeast is poured over with boiling water and then added to a bathtub with warm water.
One of the Czech breweries offers its guests an original spa therapy. A largedose of live beer yeast culturesand a mixture of dried grated herbs are added to the bath. On the surfaceBeer foam rises and the room is saturated with the aroma of freshly brewed dark beer. Also in many Polish spas you can enjoy a bath in a special beer.
Read also: 8 ways to win against acne
This will be useful to youHow to prepare nourishing yeast masks?
1. The home remedy has a nourishing yeast mask:
- 5 grams of baker's yeast spread with lukewarm milk.
- Apply the mush on face for 20 minutes. This mask is suitable for oily and blackhead-polluted skin.
- For dry skin, add olive oil to the yeast instead of milk.
- Rinse the mask with hot water, then rinse your mouth with cold water
2. The home remedy has a nourishing yeast mask that cleanses and smoothes the pores:
- Heat a few drops of honey on a teaspoon, when it's liquid, grate it with 5 grams of baking yeast.
- For dry skin, add 3-4 drops of olive oil.
- Apply the paste on the face and neck.
- After 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.
- The mask has a cleansing and smoothing effect. Narrows pores.
Read also: Home brewer's yeast cosmetics for acne prone skin - RECIPES
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Yeast drink: you have to kill the yeast before drinking!
Still many people believe in the miraculous effects of a drink made by pouring hot water or milk with sugar into baker's yeast.Such a potion can do more harm than good!Why? The answer is simple -yeast begins to ferment in the digestive tract and, if not digested, can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal discomfort . In addition, live yeast cells "steal" B vitamins from our body, especially B1 and biotin.
If you want to prepare a wholesome yeast drink yourself, pour boiling water over the baking yeast.
This will be useful to youRecipe for yeast paste for sandwiches
Delicious news for lovers of culinary experiments! Crushed baker's yeast can be fried in a pan in a little oil or olive oil, adding spices, e.g.
- garlic,
- paprika,
- oregano,
- curry,
- thyme.
This paste isa great addition to bread , preferably baked with yeast.