Restless legs syndrome manifests itself as an irresistible urge to move the legs, tingling and numbness in the legs. These are difficult to describe sensations which usually arise during the evening rest and disappear during movement. Restless legs syndrome is a medical condition that affects approximately 10% of people. people. It is often the cause of insomnia.

It is estimated thatRestless Legs Syndrome(RLS -Restless Legs Syndrome ) suffers from 3.5 percent up to 10 percent society. Most of these people, however, are unaware that they have been affected by a treatable disease.

Symptoms of RLS

The symptoms of the disease are extremely difficult to describe, even for the sufferers themselves. Numbness, tingling, itching, twitching, or more descriptively "ants running under the skin", "bubbles in the veins" - these are just some of the terms for ailments accompanying the disease. Although difficult to name, they are always extremely burdensome for patients.

Symptoms appear primarily in the evening and at night, prevent relaxation, disturb a peaceful sleep, leading to insomnia.

Sufferers complain ofwaking up frequently at night , during which they bend and straighten their legs, roll from side to side, or even get out of bed and walk around. During the day, if the patient remains in one position for a long time, the patients squirm, swing their legs or make straightening movements similar to those at night. Ailments make some people unable to sit quietly for a long time, thus it is troublesome to be in a cinema or theater, and traveling by car or plane.

Restless Legs Syndrome - treatment

Several groups of drugs can be used in the treatment of RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome). The most effective of them are preparations containing levodopa or other substances belonging to the group of dopamine agonists. In addition, you can use drugs belonging to the group of benzodiazepines, gabapentin or opioids. In each case, the level of iron in the body should be checked, and in the event of its deficiency, supplement it with, for example, oral medications.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity and frequency of symptoms. In some people, medications are given periodically during an exacerbation of symptoms, for example several times a month. There are also patients who requiresystematic, daily therapy, and taking medications lasts for many years.

Restless legs syndrome - who gets sick most often?

From epidemiological studies conducted in recent years, incl. in the US and several European countries, RLS affects 3.5 to 10 percent of adults. Research also shows thataffects women more often .

Symptoms can occur at any age - from early childhood to old age. Initially, they are not very bothersome, but gradually their occurrence becomes more frequent, and the symptoms are more intense. 60 percent of people with the disorder have a genetic component.

Restless legs syndrome - causes of occurrence

The exact causes of RLS are still unknown. So far,psychological backgroundhas been excluded. Since the initiating factor is unknown, medicine does not know how to prevent the disease.

It is known that RLS is often associated with iron deficiency in the body and therefore its symptoms are common in pregnant women. It also occurs in approximately 60-80 percent of patients with renal failure. Symptoms can also be caused by taking certain medications or by nerve damage, e.g. in the course of diabetes.

Restless Legs Syndrome can be either primary or secondary.

The causes of primary RLS are not exactly known. However, we know that dopamine deficiency in the brain plays an important role in the development of the disease. Symptoms of primary RLS appear around 20 years of age and worsen with age. It is genetically determined - 50 percent. RLS casesoccur in families .

The secondary form of RLS is the result of iron deficiency (most often), diseases (e.g. kidney failure, diabetes), taking certain medications (e.g. antidepressants, antipsychotics).

Restless legs syndrome - diagnosis

Restless legs syndrome is diagnosed only on the basis of an interview with the patient and the complaints they report.

There is no test or examination to identify this condition.

It is only possible to exclude the so-called secondary form of RLS resulting fromother diseases . Therefore, first of all, you should observe your symptoms and then tell your doctor, preferably a neurologist.

When diagnosing a disease, a doctor should ask four key questions (four affirmative answers are indicative of RLS):

  • Are there any unpleasant ailments in the limbsbottom?
  • Do these symptoms occur at rest?
  • Do ailments disappear under the influence of movement?
  • Do symptoms appear most often in the evening and at night?

What helps with RLS?

It is also worth introducinghabits , which will help reduce the impact of the disease on the quality of life. It is important to sleep well and avoid drugs that may worsen RLS symptoms, such as coffee, alcohol and nicotine, as well as sleeping pills.

You can also tryintellectual entertainment , distracting from the ailments you experience, e.g. computer games, reading books, watching movies, playing chess, scrabble, crosswords.

Some people who suffer are also helped by cycling, also stationary, yoga, swimming, massages and dancing.

