We constantly hear that fat should be avoided. This is inaccurate. We need it like all other nutrients. We just have to remember that some fats can harm us, while others even save our he alth. Good fat is one that contains unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs), which strengthen the body's immunity.
- Unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) - properties and occurrence
- Unsaturated fatty acids - which products are rich in EFAs?
- Unsaturated fatty acids - sources of omega-3 fatty acids and their impact on he alth
- Unsaturated fatty acids - supplements that are a source of unsaturated fatty acids
Fatprovides energy, but is also a carrier of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K, and protects them against oxidation. In addition, it helps digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients. Our foods include fats considered "worse" and "better". It depends on the type offatty acidsthey are made of.
Saturated acids(found mainly in solid animal fats and animal products), in accordance with the current recommendations of global organizations and the Polish Food and Nutrition Institute, you should limit your daily diet, because their consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Scientists, however, have more and more doubts about this thesis, and new research indicates that this conclusion should be departed from.
Unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) - properties and occurrence
As forunsaturated fats : our body does not produce them on its own, but they are indispensable for its proper functioning. They are called essential fatty acids, EFAs for short, for a reason. They need to be delivered from the outside on a regular basis. Their deficiency causes he alth-threatening effects. These include :
- inflammatory reactions in the body,
- growth inhibition of infants and children,
- formation of skin lesions,
- dry skin,
- delayed wound healing,
- increased susceptibility to infections,
- excessive fragility of the capillaries,
- cholesterol disorders,
- dysfunction of many tissues iorgans.
The greatest amounts of EFAs are found in vegetable oils from seeds, nuts, sprouts or fish fats, e.g. fish oil. Unfortunately, in Poland these fatty acids are consumed much less than recommended in the nutritional standards.
Important- Paradoxically - the fatter the sea fish, the he althier it is. It is recommended to eat 0.75 kg of fatty fish a week or drink 4-8 g (1-2 tablespoons) of fish oil daily, which is equal to 1-2 g of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Eating fish reduces by 25%. risk of depression, because omega-3 fatty acids increase the sensitivity of neurons to serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone.
- Breast milk contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are lacking in cow's milk and in most human milk substitutes. Mothers suffering from severe postpartum depression have also been shown to have low levels of omega-3s. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should remember to eat fish and products containing omega-3 to ensure their baby's proper development.
- Probably omega-3 may also prevent aggressive behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Their blood serum showed a reduced concentration of DHA - one of the omega-3 components.
Unsaturated fatty acids - which products are rich in EFAs?
EFAs include omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Those from the omega-6 group are found in edible oils - corn oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, wheat germ.
Omega-3 fatty acids are contained in some green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils (e.g. linseed, pumpkin seed). They can also be found - although in much smaller amounts - in linseed, nuts.
But nutritionally, the most valuable source of these is seafood, especially the fatty fish that live in the cold waters of the oceans - mackerel, salmon, sardines, herring, cod, tuna - and the shellfish called seafood.
Unsaturated fatty acids - sources of omega-3 fatty acids and their impact on he alth
They are the building blocks of the cell membrane that allows all substances circulating in the body, for example hormones, to pass in both directions, and metabolic products to the outside. By increasing its flexibility, omega-3s improve all life processes.
They postpone the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack, because they lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol and regulate the level of triglycerides in the blood. They normalize blood pressure, prevent strokes by reducing blood viscosity. They support the flexibility of joints, reduce their deformation and soothe the so-called morning stiffness.
They provide balancehormonal, prevent skin diseases, strengthen resistance to infections and allergies. They also help fight inflammation.
It is believed that the systematic consumption of sea fish or the appropriate preparations with omega-3 acids can reduce the need for anti-inflammatory drugs, which are not indifferent to he alth.
Recent studies have shown that omega-3s can also inhibit the growth of cancer cells in certain types of cancer, such as colon and breast cancer. Of the two acids in this group - eicosapentaenoic EPA and docosahexaenoic DHA - DHA acid is of particular importance as an element of the structure of the brain and the eye retina.
It is necessary, among others for the transmission of nerve impulses and the proper development of the nervous system, especially the parts responsible for vision, coordination, mood and the ability to learn. It delays senile dementia and prevents degenerative diseases such as MS.
The body's need for omega-3 fatty acids depends primarily on body weight, lifestyle and diet. If we eat a lot of animal fats, we need to get more omega-3 fatty acids for balance.
For the average person, a sufficient amount of them is ensured by consuming sea fish or seafood at least three times a week. The fish should not be smoked or s alted too much. Instead of frying, it is he althier to cook or bake them.
Caviar is a great omega-3 "capsule". And if we do not like fish, we can take … fish oil or preparations with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Unsaturated fatty acids - supplements that are a source of unsaturated fatty acids
Cod liver oil, called cod liver oil, was once coerced into children so that they would not get rickets. To swallow it, you had to plug your nose and bite it quickly with a piece of wholemeal bread, and you still had an unpleasant aftertaste.
The fish oil available today is nothing like that. It may taste like mint or lemon, while the one in capsules - mint, thyme and cloves. Let us be encouraged to drink cod-liver oil by the example of the Inuit, who are hardly familiar with diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack or cancer. And this despite a diet rich in fat. Or rather, thanks to such a diet, consisting of seal meat and sea fish, which is rich in EFAs.
Increasingly, preparations with fish oil and omega-3 acids are registered in many countries as food supplements or medicines of natural origin. Fish oils used in their production are made from shark liver and fatty sea fish (cod, halibut) and meat, e.g. anchovies and sardines. Shark liver oil contains less omega-3 fatty acids than fish oilcod liver, but more vitamins A and D.
Note: do not exceed the doses recommended by the manufacturer.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreYou must do itWhen is it worth taking fish oil:
- in the period of intensive growth (children and adolescents)
- with increased mental and physical effort
- in stress and states of physical and mental exhaustion
- on general weakness
- in the autumn and winter period, when we are particularly exposed to attacks of pathogenic bacteria and viruses - to strengthen the body
- during illness (infection) and convalescence
- during chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- after bone injuries and fractures
- with disorders of absorption and digestion
- when we abuse alcohol and smoke cigarettes
"Zdrowie" monthly
Read also:
- The beneficial effect of MUFA monounsaturated acids on slimming
- Fat in the diet: oil, olive oil, butter or margarine?
- Good fat is not bad, meaning which fats are valuable