Glossitis is manifested by pain and burning of the tongue, which significantly reduces the quality of life. It usually affects people with reduced immunity and those with oral diseases or those who neglect oral hygiene. Glossitis can also be a disease on its own or a symptom of some other disease in the body - so treatment for glossitis depends on the underlying cause.

Language inflammationcan affect virtually anyone. It is a long-term disease that hinders the normal functioning of the patient, because the pain and burning of the tongue interfere with both speaking and eating. The patient may have a taste disturbance and even trouble forming the mouthful, which sometimes leads to dysphagia. The tongue is a very sensitive and innervated organ. We are able to feel the thinnest hair on it, so when its surface begins to deviate significantly from the norm, the discomfort is serious.

Symptoms of glossitis

The dominant symptom of the disease is pain and burning felt almost constantly. Besides, the language can be:

  • red and swollen, especially at the tip and sides
  • covered with ulcers - most often with bacterial inflammation
  • covered with white coating - with mycosis; in this situation, there is often a raid on the oral mucosa
  • significantly enlarged
  • so-called geographic language - although it usually does not cause major discomfort (some foods, however, can cause stinging, burning) and does not require treatment by itself

The swelling and burning sensation of the tongue impair the function of the taste buds, which causes the patient to have a taste disturbance or even no taste. On the other hand, the sour and s alty taste intensifies the burning and pain.

What causes glossitis?

First of all, there are two main types of glossitis:primary glossitis , when inflammation is a disease in itself, andsecondary glossitis , when inflammation of the tongue is only a manifestation of another disease. As for primary glossitis, they can be caused by:

  • bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus) - bacterial glossitis usually develops in people with reduced immunity, e.g. after long-term antibiotic therapy,taking immunosuppressants, HIV-infected
  • mushrooms -Candida albicans
  • poor oral hygiene - especially the elderly
  • alcohol abuse
  • smoking
  • trauma - both minor and ordinary, incidental biting of the tongue while eating, and more serious, e.g. during an epileptic attack
  • chronic irritation - as a result of poorly selected dentures
  • burn
  • dental and periodontal diseases
  • dry mouth - adequate amount of saliva is needed for the tongue to be properly moisturized
Worth knowing

Atrophic glossitis

This case of primary glossitis occurs when the nipples normally found on the tongue disappear. Usually then the language turns dark red and its surface becomes smoother. Most often, such a condition is caused by nutritional deficiencies, as well as factors such as dry mouth, candidiasis. It can also accompany anemia.

The causes of secondary glossitis are, usually serious, systemic diseases:

  • diabetes - which promotes the growth of bacteria, not only in the oral cavity
  • AIDS
  • avitaminosis, especially regarding B vitamins, pellagra
  • iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia
  • megaloblastic anemia - resulting from vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency
  • syphilis
  • skin diseases
  • celiakia
  • allergy

If glossitis is also accompanied by fatigue, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, this symptom may be related to anemia. Anemia is one of the most common causes of secondary glossitis.

Diagnosis and treatment of glossitis

Glossitis itself is quite simple to determine - the symptoms are typical - but before proper treatment is started, a series of tests should be carried out, thanks to which it will be known whether the disease is primary or secondary. For this purpose, it is tested:

  • morphology that will confirm or exclude anemia
  • blood glucose level - it will show if we are dealing with diabetes
  • syphilis tests
  • tests for deficiencies of B vitamins, especially B12, B3
  • language swabs and cultures
  • biochemical test assessing the function of internal organs

If it is detected that glossitis causes any of the above-mentioned diseases, it will be necessary to in-depth diagnosis and develop a treatment plan for this disease. The tongue only heals in this caseconservatively, to relieve the patient's pain and improve his quality of life. As treatment of the underlying disease progresses, glossitis will also improve.

In the case of local inflammation caused by bacteria, antibiotics are used. If the inflammation was caused by fungi - antifungal drugs, e.g. nystatin. You can help yourself with rinses made of baking soda, sage, chamomile, and hydrogen peroxide solution. Throat pills with lidocaine have an analgesic effect.
