Malaria (otherwise: malaria) is the most common parasitic disease in the tropics. For years, it has been one of the most important public he alth problems in the countries of hot climatic zones and is a threat to the he alth of both their inhabitants and travelers visiting the malaria areas. Despite many preventive measures, it is still the main infectious cause of death of travelers. What should I know about malaria?

Malaria(malaria) is an acute or chronic tropical parasitic disease caused by a protozoan, plasmodium malaria. About 120 species of spores are known. Among them, 5 are pathogenic for humans.

Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes

FACT.The plasmodium malaria germ is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, which, by stinging a person, injects Plasmodium sporozoites through the skin into blood vessels while sucking blood.

Dab can also be passed on during:

  • blood transfusions
  • organ transplant
  • through syringes or medical tools contaminated with blood (drug addicts, gross negligence of personnel in medical facilities with standards different from European standards)

Malaria symptoms initially resemble the flu

FACT.Chills, fever, sweating are the initial symptoms of malaria. Increasingly, the disease does not follow the course of malaria. In addition, symptoms may appear from the page

  • digestive system (diarrhea, vomiting)
  • respiratory system (dyspnoea, coughing)
  • muscle aches
  • mental disorder or loss of consciousness
  • focal neurological symptoms suggestive of stroke, sometimes severe anemia and coagulation disorders

Malaria cannot be cured, relapse can always happen after the first attack

FACT.Some species of malaria spores develop the so-called dormant developmental stages in the liver which may cause symptoms to recur weeks or months, or even years after recovery.

The current diagnostic possibilities, however, allow for the precise identification of the parasite species in a traveler suffering from malaria, and, if necessary,There are drugs available to combat those forms of the spore that are responsible for relapses.

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In any case of malaria, the most important thing is urgent diagnosis and treatment, as a delay in taking antimalarial medications by up to 24 hours may result in poor prognosis!

If you have a fever or other distressing symptoms in an area at risk of malaria, or after returning from such areas, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Local insect protection measures are more effective against mosquitoes in the tropics than repellants available in Poland

MYTH.Mosquito mites are also found in Poland, and the effectiveness of insect repellants depends on the content of the appropriate active ingredient against insects and its appropriate concentration in a given preparation.

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One of the tested chemicals with proven insect repellent properties is DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide).

Icaridin and IR3535 are also effective agents in the prevention of insect-borne diseases in the tropics. These types of repellants can be used on he althy and undamaged skin in most adults.

It is safer to treat malaria symptoms than to use chemoprophylaxis while traveling

MYTH.It is worth remembering that in the treatment of malaria, many times higher doses of antimalarial drugs are used than the doses recommended for the prevention of this disease.

The risk of side effects of drugs during therapy in a patient with malaria is much greater than in the case of chemoprophylaxis. In most situations, prophylactic antimalarial drugs are well tolerated by travelers.

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Studies have shown that atovaquone with proguanil (combined preparation) and doxycycline are among the safest anti-malaria drugs. Both of these drugs are available in Poland.

Consultation with a specialist doctor in a travel medicine clinic enables an individual selection of a drug for the prevention of malaria, taking into account possible contraindications and other travel circumstances, which allows for effective and safe prophylaxis.

The article is based on materials prepared by Agnieszka Wroczyńska, MD, PhD from the National Center of Tropical Medicine in Gdynia

Worth knowing

Genetically modified mosquitoes will not transmit malaria?

You can catch malaria through the bite of the mosquito wader, which carries the parasites that cause the disease. Scientists from the University of California have created a genetically modified variety of this mosquito, resistant to germs of this disease, and plan to introduce it to nature.

Researchers hope that in a few months a whole population of insects will be created, which will not infect people anymore. However, their experiment is in the laboratory phase.

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