How to cure burns? First aid in case of mild burns consists mainly in cooling the damaged area for a few minutes under a stream of cold water. After that, home treatment can be applied. Specialist treatment is required for moderate to severe burns. What is help in case of burns.
Burns , depending on the degree of skin damage, requiretreatmenthome or hospital. Keep in mind that in any case the first aider's responsibility is to minimize tissue damage and protect against infection.
First aid for burns
Regardless of the type of burn, cool the burn area as soon as possible, preferably under cold running water. This type of treatment will not only bring relief, but also lower the temperature of the tissues and prevent their further damage.
Then, depending on whether they areburnslight (1st and 2nd degree) or severe (3rd degree), starthome treatmentor go to the emergency room, where the doctor will implement appropriatehospital treatment.
Light burns - treatment of 1st and 2nd degree burns
Chill the scalded area until baking is gone. If possible, for light (1st or 2nd degree) burns not exceeding 10% of the body surface, keep the burn under a stream of cold water for at least 10-15 minutes (1st degree) or 30 minutes (2nd degree burns).
Superficial and minor burns can also be washed with a wound cleansing product. The preparation for cleansing and washing wounds will relieve pain, reduce the risk of infection and accelerate healing.
Then gently dry the burn area with sterile gauze. Apply a clean, dry dressing to the burned area (it should be changed at least once a day). IMPORTANT! There may be bubbles that should not be pierced.
The treatment of minor burns can be accelerated by preparations such as: aloe gel, honey or calendula ointment.
Proven,home remedies for burnsis an infusion of chamomile, calendula, as well as elderberry or starfish, which have the properties ofregenerating and bactericidal.
Just soak a cotton ball with lukewarm infusion and wipe the damaged skin with them several times a day.
Light burns heal spontaneously within 10 days.
ImportantThe blisters should not be torn or pierced as this promotes infection and exposes damaged tissues. The epidermis lifted with fluid is an ideal biological dressing.
Severe burns - home treatment
Immediately after the accident, bare burned parts of the body (if necessary, cut clothes and shoes). If clothing is stuck to your body, cut around the wound, but don't pull it off the skin.
If the burn is extensive and it is not possible to dress the patient, place the patient and wrap him in a washed sheet.
In severe (3rd degree) burns, the burned area should be cooled with water for a few minutes only, so as not to make the injured hypothermic (cold). It is also not allowed to immerse the burned person in a bathtub with water or cover it with snow or ice.
Then wait for the ambulance to arrive.
ImportantFor every burn, it is assumed that it is heavier than it looks. It should be remembered that deep burns often do not contribute to the pain sensation due to the immediate destruction of the nerve endings. Therefore, after an accident, burns may appear less serious. Therefore, apart from completely trivial burns, each burn should be assessed by a doctor and proposed appropriate treatment.
Severe burns - hospital treatment
Hospital treatment mainly consists of administering painkillers and preventing the occurrence of burn disease in the form of hypovolemic shock (which is the result of massive loss of water and electrolytes by burned surfaces) and multiple organ failure and wound infection (through antibiotic therapy and washing wounds with saline) and antibacterial agents such as silver nitrate solution or silver sulfadiazine) and the development of sepsis.
Doctors can undertake surgical treatment, which consists in covering the burned areas with appropriate skin grafts. Burns are treated with tetanus prophylaxis by injecting anti-tetanus serum as a preventive measure, and in vaccinated persons, a booster dose - with toxoid.

Chemical burns - first aid
Corrosive chemicals must be removed from the burned skin area immediately with a suitable substance.
- quicklime should be removed from the skin surface byrubbing, and only then you can rinse the body under running water. Then the remaining remnants of the substance must be neutralized;
- acid-burned skin should be rinsed with alkaline fluids, e.g. 3% baking soda solution, soap solution or lime water;
- in case of burns with lyes, rinse the burned area with weak acid solutions, e.g. 1% acetic acid, 1% citric acid or 3% boric acid.
Consequences of corrosive chemicals will be minimal if first aid is given within 2 minutes of contamination.
- Burns: types, degrees of burns and their characteristics. When is a burn life-threatening?
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