Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, is the body's reaction to an inhaled allergen. The body's response often resembles a common cold. How to distinguish hay fever from normal?
Hay fever , also known asallergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis) , is the body's reaction to airborne allergens (mainly pollen plants).
As a result of an allergic reaction, immunoglobulins (antibodies) in the respiratory tract release histamine, which irritates the nasal mucosa. This is because the body treats the allergen as an enemy and must therefore release chemicals designed to fight the foreign substance.
Allergic rhinitis , in reaction to pollen from plants or fungi, is called hay fever or pollinosis. This type of allergic reaction is known as a seasonal allergic reaction. In turn, an allergic reaction caused by dust mites and pet dander is called perennial allergic rhinitis.
Worth reading: Allergic rhinitis (AR) - how to effectively treat it?
Hay fever symptoms
Hay feveris a common condition that exhibits symptoms similar to the common cold. The symptoms of hay fever can occur at different times of the year. It all depends on what the allergic person is allergic to.Common symptoms of hay feverare:
- sneezing,
- watery eyes,
- itchy throat,
- itchy nose,
- Qatar.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction may be more severe when pollen levels are higher.The most severe symptoms of hay fever include:
- headaches,
- loss of smell and taste,
- facial pain caused by blocked sinuses,
- itchy throat, nose and ears.
Hay fever - causes
As a result of the allergen coming into contact with our respiratory tract, white blood cells of the immune system start producing antibodies whose task is to fight the substance that violates the integrity of the body.
These antibodies, called immunoglobulin E or IgE, are stored on special cells called mast cells. When antibodies come into contact with the appropriate antigen, they release a chemical -histamines.
Hay fever - the cause of pollen
The most commonallergensthat causehay feverare pollen. Pollen are small particles released by flowering plants. They then travel by wind to other plants of the same species for fertilization. That's when they come across an allergic person and an allergic reaction occurs.
Nettleandmugwortare some of the stronger allergens. The pollen concentration of these plants is particularly high from the second half of June to the end of August.
Alderandpoplar blossomsstay in the air at the beginning of spring.
Komosais a weed that causes allergy symptoms in August.
Other allergens may bedandelion pollen . However, it is insect-pollinated, so it does not bother allergy sufferers as often as other flowers.
Check: Plant pollen calendar
Hay fever - the cause of mold spores
Mold sporesis a type of fungus that lacks shoot and root. Mold spores, like pollen from plants, remain in the air until they find an environment in which they can thrive.
In the case of mold, these are damp places with limited air circulation, such as bathrooms. Unlike pollen, mold spores are present in our homes all year round.
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Hay fever: what increases your risk of hay fever?
- family members struggling with hay fever,
- repeated exposure to an allergen,
- other allergic conditions such as eczema and asthma
- nasal polyps (small cancerous growth in the nasal mucosa),
- age: the older the person, the less resistant to allergens,
- pregnancy.
The symptoms of hay fever are relieved by antihistamines (oral, nasal, conjunctival), such as: loratadine, desloratadine, levocetirizine, chlorphenamine, triprolidine. Effective treatment of nasal blockage requires combining antihistamines with vasoconstrictors (e.g. oxymetazoline, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine).
Hay fever - treatment. Antihistamines and desensitization
Hay fever does not start to heal until a diagnosis is made. For this, allergy tests are performed to identify the specific allergens responsible for the symptoms of allergy. In the treatment of allergic mucositis, antihistamines and corticosteroids are used primarilyaerosol form.
Cromoglycans can also be used in the long-term treatment of hay fever. Other popular treatments include specific immunotherapy (desensitization), oral corticosteroids, and anti-leukotriene medications. Specific immunotherapy (SIT) consists in giving the allergic person doses of the vaccine that contain the allergen to which he is allergic.
We recommend: Inhalation allergy - desensitization. Treatment of inhalation allergy through desensitization
The indications for desensitization are: atopic bronchial asthma at an early stage of the disease, atopic dermatitis resistant to classical treatment methods, and allergy to inhaled allergens. However, not everyone can benefit from specific immunotherapy.
Contraindications for desensitization:
- age under 5,
- severe asthma,
- presence of autoimmune or cancerous diseases,
- coexistence of severe cardiovascular diseases,
- pregnancy,
- reluctance of the patient to desensitize,
- severe atopic dermatitis.
Early application of specific immunotherapy helps to inhibit the development of allergic inflammation. In addition, desensitization helps to avoid bronchial asthma and restores the proper functioning of the body. The duration of desensitization is typically 3-5 years.
Hay fever - decongestants
If you have hay fever, use vasoconstrictors. They are available as tablets, eye drops, or spray. Eye drops are effective in relieving itchy eyes. On the other hand, nasal sprays will allow us to breathe fully in a few minutes.
However, they must not be abused as there is a risk that they will aggravate an allergic reaction. Also, be careful with oral decongestants as they can raise your blood pressure, make your heart beat faster and make you nervous. This type of medication should not be used for more than 3 days.
Hay fever - anti-leukotriene drugs
Leukotrienes are chemicals that cause or worsen inflammation from allergen exposure, such as bronchospasm and mucus build-up. Anti-leukotriene drugs inhibit the effects of leukotrienes and alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.
Hay fever - home remedies for hay fever
There are many home remedies you can fight against hay fever. It is enough to gargle twice a day with warm water and s alt to soothe itching and nagging pain. On the other hand, a decoction of citrus fruits will strengthen the body's natural immunity and thus alleviate the symptoms of allergies.
Peppermint tea or ginger infusion may not solve the problem, but they will certainly alleviate the symptoms of hay fever and prevent their aggravation.