What kind of blood donor and recipient are you? The doctor decides about the transfusion each time, taking into account many factors, but now - thanks to our calculator - you can check what kind of blood donor and recipient you are.

Blood groups were invented by the Austrian pathologist and immunologist Karl Landsteiner in 1901. On the basis of observations, he discovered that in red blood cells there are two antigens that condition the phenomena of clumping of blood cells in contact with blood cells of a different antigenic structure.

He distinguished three blood groups: A, B and 0. For this discovery in 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. He discovered the Rh factor with Alexander Wiener in 1940.

The fourth blood group, or AB, was discovered in 1902 by Alfred von Castello and Adrianoo Sturly. This division still exists today.

Who can donate blood?

Almost everyone can donate blood. However, they must meet the special guidelines necessary to be awarded a donation title.

A person who turns 18 and under 65 years of age can donate blood. It must not weigh less than 50 kg.

Blood must not be donated by pregnant women or women immediately before or after the end of menstruation.

A single donation of 450 ml of blood. Men may donate blood up to 6 times a year and women - 4.

The donor must be he althy. You cannot donate blood 2 weeks after a cold or flu, and for 7 days after tooth extraction or root canal treatment. People with heart defects, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, infectious diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver and people suffering from various types of cancer are also disqualified.

People with mental disorders and mental illnesses as well as addictions cannot donate blood. People with nephritis cannot donate blood for the next 5 years after the end of the disease.

It is therefore important that the potential donor is he althy, free from addiction, and does not take medications. By following these rules, you can become a blood donor. Rigorous requirements are related to safety and assistance to a person in need.

Donor blood is always tested after collection. If an infection is detected in it, the donor is informed immediately. In case of blood poisoning, it must be checked immediatelydisposed of.

  • Who can donate blood, and when is it impossible?
  • To donate blood step by step
  • The influence of the BLOOD GROUP on the he alth and needs of the body

What kind of blood donor and recipient are you?

Each of us may experience a situation in which blood transfusion will be necessary: ​​blood disease, transplant, surgery or pregnancy. Blood from the same group in the A, B, 0 range and D antigen range is transfused, so e.g. a person with ARh + should be given ARh + blood. In exceptional circumstances, the patient may be transfused with ORh- (universal) blood. In the case of a blood transfusion with antigens that the patient does not have, complications arise after the transfusion - a dangerous post-transfusion reaction occurs. If the patient has a blood group:

  • AB + - can receive any blood
  • AB- - can get 0-, B-, A-, AB-
  • A + - can get 0-, 0+, A-, A +
  • A- - can get 0-, A-
  • B + - can get 0-, 0+, B-, B +
  • B- - can get 0-, B-
  • 0 + - can get 0-, 0 +
  • 0- - can get 0-

Not all blood can be transfused to everyone. The blood group and the Rh factor are important here. The ideal donor is a person with 0- blood as it can be transfused to anyone. On the other hand, she may have problems with finding a donor for herself.

The best situation is for a patient with group AB + who can receive any blood. The doctor decides about the transfusion each time, taking into account many factors, but now - thanks to our calculator - you can check what kind of blood donor and recipient you are.
