Peach is a fruit that has numerous properties and nutritional values, and at the same time has very few calories (kcal). That is why we should eat peaches not only on holidays, but all year round. Fresh in season, and dried in winter. Peaches support the work of the kidneys, help in the fight against anemia and constipation. Find out why it is still worth eating peaches.

Peachcommon is a fruit whosepropertiesandnutritional values ​​ were appreciated 4000 years ago in China, where it probably comes from. It arrived in Greece around 300 B.C.E. In turn, the peach came to northern Europe in the 16th century. Since then, it has gradually spread to other continents. Currently, it does not grow wild, it is an arable plant.

Peaches - anti-cancer properties

Peaches help fight breast cancer. American scientists conducted animal experiments and proved that eating peaches inhibits the development of breast cancer and prevents metastasis. This is due to phenols that neutralize free radicals.

Peaches support the urinary system and kidneys

Peaches are 90% water. As a result, they act as a diuretic and cleanse the body of toxins. This has a positive effect on the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys.

When eaten, they regularly cleanse the body of toxins and harmful metabolic products. This is important for people with rheumatism and kidneys. They do not contain fat and sodium, so it is worth recommending them to people with hypertension and high cholesterol.

Peaches for constipation

Peaches are high in fiber. Fiber accelerates intestinal peristalsis and helps fight constipation. Peaches are also a diuretic, which helps cleanse the body of toxins.

By the way, we dispel the myth about the harmfulness of "suede" peach peel. It turns out that it is easy to digest, just like the whole fruit, and only its unripe flesh can have a laxative effect.

Read also: Pears - properties and nutritional value of pears. What kind of vitamins in pears?

Peaches for anemia

Peaches are recommended for people suffering from anemia. These fruits increase the production of red blood cells.

Peaches and diabetes

Fresh peacheshave a low glycemic index (35) and therefore can be consumed by diabetics. They are also easy to digest as they are mostly water and contain fiber. One peach is only 40-50 kcal. For this reason, they can also be used by people who are slimming. Dried peaches, however, have completely different properties. They contain much more sugar and are high in calories, therefore the consumption of dried fruit is not recommended for people who are slimming or suffering from diabetes.

Peaches and pregnancy

These fruits are recommended for pregnant women. Thanks to the potassium content, they help fight fatigue, cramps and dizziness. Peaches have a positive effect not only on the mother's he alth, but also on the proper development of the baby.

They have a beneficial effect on the formation of bones, teeth, muscles, cartilage and veins in newborns. Folic acid prevents the formation of urethral defects. Peaches, thanks to the content of boron and niacin, which facilitate the production of estrogen, also reduce the symptoms of menopause.

Read also: Apples protect against heart attack and constipation, strengthen teeth, facilitate slimming

Worth knowing

Peaches - nutritional values ​​(in 100 g)

Energy value - 39 kcal

Protein - 0.91 g

Fat - 0.25 g

Carbohydrates - 9.54 g (including simple sugars: 8.39 g)

Fiber - 1.5 g


Vitamin C - 6.6 mg

Thiamin - 0.024 mg

Riboflavin - 0.031 mg

Niacin - 0.806 mg

Vitamin B6 - 0.025 mg

Vitamin B12 - 0 µg

Vitamin A - 16 µg

Vitamin E - 0.73 mg

Vitamin D - 0 IU

Vitamin K - 2.6 µg


Calcium - 6 mg

Iron - 0.25 mg

Magnesium - 9 mg

Phosphorus - 20 mg

Potassium - 190 mg

Sodium - 0 mg

Zinc - 0.17 mg

Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Worth knowing

Peaches - varieties

If we likepeaches , we have a lot to choose from, because there are many varieties of these fruits. Those with a mossy skin are divided into characteristic and hard, while the smooth ones arenectarinesand solids. Peaches can also differ in color and flesh firmness.

Soft and slightly fibrous are characteristic of nectarines, while firm and slightly crunchy - hard and lumpy. They all have similar nutritional values.

Peaches are a valuable source of beta-carotene and fiber. They also contain a lot of B vitamins, vitamin PP and some C. The latter is the most abundant in nectarines, although due totannins in the flesh, it is quite unstable. Therefore, it is worth eating very fresh fruit with the skin.

Canned dried peaches in syrup

Raw peaches consist of less than 90% water. During drying, they retain all the valuable ingredients. Thanks to this, they provide the body with valuable elements, vitamins and fiber. In Poland, dried peaches are unknown, while in the United States they are very popular.

No wonder that there were, among others, in the inventory of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. In Poland, we can easily buy dried apricots. We advise you: it's really worth including them in your diet.

The content of vitamin A in 100 g of dried herbs increases to 7430 IU, calcium to 86 mg, phosphorus to 120 mg, and potassium to 1760 mg. It is enough to eat a few dried apricots for lunch, and the condition of our bones and the appearance of our skin will improve. Women in the menopausal period, at risk of osteoporosis, should constantly eat dried apricots.

It is also important because the potassium contained in them will accelerate the expulsion of excess water from the body, thus reducing swelling and relieving the cardiovascular system.

Beta-carotene contained in apricots has anti-cancer properties and supports the respiratory system, so it is especially recommended for smokers. Dried apricots will help heartburn sufferers thanks to their alkaline-forming properties.

Dried plums, apricots and even raisins are preserved with sulfur dioxide. In this way, their use-by date is extended. However, sulfur dioxide is a strong allergen and can cause asthma attacks in allergy sufferers. Therefore, remember to thoroughly wash all dried fruit under running water before eating.


Peaches belong to Prunus Persica, the same family of fruits as plums. However, their place of origin is not Persia, but China.

Apricot and peach trees grew there already 4000 years ago. They arrived in Europe with caravans of merchants and the army of Alexander of Macedon.

Peaches conquered Greece first, and only then the Roman Empire. On the other hand, apricots were long considered a cursed fruit because they were among the favorite delicacies of the Arabs invading Europe. Even in the 16th century, the decorativeness of the apricot tree blooming in the monastery gardens was more appreciated than the taste of apricots.

Peaches - use in the kitchen

For jams and fruit purées, the best varieties of these fruits are dense and not reddened at the stone. These include roy-alvee, harken, vedette, and halehaven. The most delicious compotes will be made from redhaven varieties, Rakoniewicka seedlings and Jerzykowska seedlings.

NaOnly nectarines are suitable for frozen food and for drying. When it comes to apricots, the best varieties for compotes and drying are: Hungarian early, earli orange, harcot and moorpark with a tight and not too fibrous flesh. The late variety from Ursynów is the best for jams.

However, let's try to eat the most fresh peaches and apricots in the season, it is also worth making tasty homemade desserts and cakes from them.

Worth knowing

Peaches - storage

Peaches are a climacteric fruit, so after reaching the so-called climacteric minimum, ripening rapidly follows, followed by over-ripening and decay. Prematurely picked peaches lose their unique flavor.

On the other hand, fruit that is too ripe cannot be stored and transported well, because it is very susceptible to bruising and bruising. Peaches kept in the refrigerator will last for about 5 days. In order to keep these fruits fresh for a long time, it is best to store them in cold rooms (-1 - 0.5 degrees Celsius). They can be stored at such a low temperature for up to 4 weeks.

It is also recommended to maintain high air humidity, because these fruits lose water very quickly as a result of transpiration.

Peaches - use in cosmetics

Peaches have a beneficial effect on the skin, which is why they are used in the cosmetics industry. Peach pulp contains AHA acids and vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. Vitamin C contained in peach perfectly strengthens the skin's resistance and strengthens blood vessels, preventing them from cracking and the formation of spider veins. Vitamins A and E are responsible for the firmness and smoothness of the skin. The pulp extract also has toning, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties. It refreshes the complexion, tightens pores and regenerates the epidermis. The peach seeds are used to make an oil that has a delicate almond scent. Peach kernel oil contains over 64% oleic acid, 26% linoleic acid, 5.5% palmitic acid, 2.9% stearic acid. This oil is used as a massage base. It is also used as an additive to moisturizing and anti-wrinkle cosmetics, for sensitive skin, as well as for soap and hair shampoos.

Fresh apricots, rich in vitamins and mineral s alts, are worth using as a natural cosmetic. Preparing the mask will not be a problem for us.

Just mix crushed apricot with a spoon of natural yoghurt and a little honey and put it on your face. The mask will improve the condition of the skin dried in the sun and wind. For its preparation, you can also use previously soaked dried apricots.

The article uses excerpts from Joanna Krupa's text from the monthly "Zdrowie".
