Botwina is the green leaves of the beetroot. Often you can also meet the name "chard" and they are colloquially used interchangeably. Beetroot soup can be used to make beetroot soup, cold soup, borscht and more. What nutritional properties does chard have? Are chard and chard the same? Find out if the beetroot is he althy and how many calories it has.
Botwina , i.e. young beet leaves and roots, contain a lot of vitamins, iron and calcium. It is also a rich source of antioxidants. The beetroot season runs from May to the end of July. During this period, you can easily buy bunches of beetroot (leaves with young roots) at the market and at the grocery store. Botwina can also be grown on its own by sowing seeds in May or June. Or twice if we want to enjoy the beetroot a little longer.
Botwina and chard
Beetroot has been known in Poland since the 15th century and at that time it was calledćwikła . It was not until the 18th century that the name "beetroot" came into common use, replacing the name "beetroot".
The confusion with the nomenclature between chard and chard also has very ancient origins. Two leading chefs from the end of the 17th century called chard or chard (which is very close to chard) two different plants. Czerniecki named red beetroot, i.e. red beet leaves, and Duchênbillot - leafy beetroot, i.e., according to today's nomenclature, leaf beet.
So it turns out that botanically they are two different plants. Young chard is the leaves of the beetroot (Beta vulgaris var. Esculenta), and the Swiss chard - the leaf beet (Beta vulgaris var. Cicla). And to make it even more confusing - in the summer season we eat beetroot soup, i.e. a soup made of young beetroot and beetroot.
Chard can have different colors - light or intense green stems and leaves, or maroon stems and green-maroon leaves. The chard, on the other hand, has burgundy-green stems and green leaves.
Chard has much thicker stalks than chard, and its shape is a bit like celery. Moreover, Swiss chard does not produce storage roots like red beet.
Is the beetroot he althy?
Botwina is a very good source of dietary fiber, many minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. Kale has been a much more popular leafy vegetable in recent yearsor spinach, but the beetroot is not inferior to them in terms of he alth and can also be called a superfood.
One glass of beetroot covers the daily requirement of vitamin A in over 100%, and at the same time it contains lutein, thanks to which it supports eye he alth.
Botwin is a very good source of vitamin K and calcium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin C and iron. Due to the combination of iron and vitamin C, beetroot should be an important part of the diet of people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
The nutritional value of the beetroot in 100 g
Energy | 22 kcal |
Protein | 2.2 g |
Fat | 0.13 g |
Carbohydrates | 4.33 g |
fiber | 3.7 g |
Calcium | 117 mg |
Iron | 2.57 mg |
Magnesium | 70 mg |
Phosphorus | 41 mg |
Potassium | 762 mg |
Sodium | 226 mg |
Zinc | 0.38 mg |
Copper | 0.19 mg |
Manganese | 0.39 mg |
Selen | 0.9 μg |
Vitamin C | 30 mg |
Tiamina | 0.1 mg |
Riboflavin | 0.22 mg |
Niacin | 0.4 mg |
Pantothenic acid | 0.25 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.11 mg |
Foliates | 15 μg |
Choline | 0.4 mg |
Vitamin A | 316 μg |
Lutein and zeaxanthin | 1500 μg |
Vitamin E | 1.5 mg |
Vitamin K | 400 μg |
Botwina is an excellent source of antioxidants. The antioxidant activity of the beetroot plant shown in one of the studies (70.91 ± 13.54% RSC) puts it on a par with leafy vegetables with the highest antioxidant potential.
Phenolic compounds belonging to the antioxidants found in beetroot are mainly rutin (0.97 mg / 100 g), and to a much lesser extent quercetin and kaempferol. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-allergic and anti-viral properties.
They can also protect against neurodegenerative diseases progressing with age, incl. against Alzheimer's disease.
Other valuable ingredients of beetroot are chlorophyll (696 mg / 100 g) and betalains (betacyanins 155.5 mg / 100 g; betaxanthin 243.7 mg / 100 g). Chlorophyll (greendye) has a similar effect in the human body as antioxidants from the polyphenol group - antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.
Betalains (the purple and orange-red pigments) contain nitrogen, giving them the potential to lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease. In addition, betalains have antibacterial, antiviral and tumor growth inhibition properties.
There is no doubt that the beetroot is he althy. It is a local Polish superfood with huge pro-he alth and anti-cancer potential.
What does the beetroot help for?
- Increases immunity- thanks to the content of zinc, selenium and vitamin C, beetroot improves the functioning of the immune system.
- Protects against inflammatory diseases - thanks to its very high antioxidant potential, the presence of polyphenols, chlorophyll, carotenoids and betalaines, beetroot protects the body, being an element of the prevention of diseases such as type II diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer.
- Supports the circulatory system- beetroot is a valuable source of nitrogen compounds, which the body converts into nitric oxide, which in turn lowers blood pressure, supports oxygen transport, the work of the circulatory system and reduces risk of heart disease. Potassium is also important for heart he alth. 100 g of beetroot covers about 25% of the daily requirement for this ingredient.
- Improves visual comfort- vitamin A, carotenoids and lutein present in large amounts in beetroot support eye he alth, slow down aging and visual impairment with age.
- Strengthens bones- beetroot contains the perfect combination of ingredients necessary for strong bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium are the main bone-building minerals, and their proper distribution is impossible without vitamins K and D. Botwin combined with vitamin D supplementation is a great food for people struggling with too low bone mineralization.
- Supports the nervous system- beetroot provides a complex of B vitamins and vitamin K, which are crucial for the functioning of the nervous system and have a positive effect on the mood.
- Supports the treatment of anemia- iron, vitamin C and vitamin B6 contained in beetroot in large amounts accelerate hematopoietic processes. Botwina should be included in the diet in case of problems with anemia.
- Improves digestion and nourishes the intestinal microbiome- beetroot is a very good source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Thanks to this, it supports the passage of digestive content and regulates the rhythm of bowel movements, but above all, it is a nourishment for the goodintestinal bacteria and nourishes the intestinal epithelial cells.
- It is recommended for pregnant women- beetroot does not contain amounts of folic acid, which are able to cover the needs of pregnant women for this vitamin. Supplementation is always necessary during pregnancy, but chard and other green leafy vegetables are recommended as a dietary component that provides folic acid.
11 remedies for beetroot
The first thing that comes to mind when you say "beetroot" is beetroot soup, summer cold soup with egg or simply red borscht. But the chard is suitable not only for soup. As a leafy vegetable with bouncy stems, it can be used in many ways. What to use the beetroot for? Here are some suggestions.
- Beetroot soup with new potatoes, carrots and dill.
- Varied beetroot with cherries and fried potatoes.
- Cold beet soup with kefir, cream, chives, dill and egg.
- Chard leaven with horseradish, garlic and fennel flower to be used for red borscht.
- Cottage cheese for bread - finely chopped beetroot with cottage cheese and natural yoghurt.
- Ingredient for stuffing for dumplings and pancakes.
- Roasted beetroot salad with beetroot, feta cheese and roasted sunflower seeds.
- Base of all salads and fresh salads (instead of other salads) or addition to salads.
- Pesto with beetroot, olive oil and sunflower seeds.
- Curry with beetroot and chickpeas with coconut milk and rice.
- Buckwheat and beetroot buckwheat porridge with goat cheese and walnuts.
As you can see, beetroot can be used to make not only beetroot and cold soup. There are plenty of recipes for this delicious and very he althy greens. The above list is just the beginning. In the kitchen, we are only limited by our imagination. Even people who are not fans of typical Polish cuisine will find something for themselves. And it's really worth it, the more so that the beetroot season is short.
How to buy the best chard?
Don't choose the biggest one. The large leaves have less flavor and are more fibrous. The larger the beet root, the less delicate the beetroot. Smaller plants are the tastiest. They should be resilient, with smooth stems of intense color. The leaves must not be wilted, their color should also be saturated.

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