Overweight, i.e. increased body weight in relation to the accepted norms, may lead to obesity. And overweight, i.e. pre-obesity and obesity are not an aesthetic problem, but a complex chronic disease. We explain what factors cause overweight and obesity.
Overweight , in obesitology ( obesity- obesity, medical specialization in the treatment of obesity) defined ashypo-obesityis the first stage ofobesity diseasei. In the overweight phase, the body begins to store excess energy in the form of adipose tissue, which we provide it with food. If this process is not stopped, adipose tissue will grow in various parts of the body - most often on the abdomen (the so-called abdominal obesity, such as an apple) or in the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks (the so-called gluteal-thigh obesity, pear type). In this way, overweight will develop into a disease of 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree obesity. To check whether your weight is correct, whether you are overweight or already obese, use the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator.
Excess body fat, however, is only a symptom, not a cause of overweight and obesity. To say about an overweight or obese person that he is " fat because he eats a lot and moves little " is a harmful stereotype. Scientists have already distinguished about 50 reasons why the body begins to accumulate adipose tissue.
Remember!TRUE:He is obese, therefore he eats incorrectly and moves little.
What factors contribute to the accumulation of body fat?
1.environmental :
- malnutrition,
- family and regional customs in preparing and eating meals,
- little physical activity,
- stress.
2.psychological :
- low self-esteem and lack of self-acceptance,
- depressed mood,
- depression,
- replacing vital emotional needs with food,
- night food team,
- compulsive eating syndrome,
- food addiction.
3.hormonal- overweight and obesity arise due to deficiency, excess or malfunction of hormones,
4.genetic .
Identification of the factorfactors that trigger overweight and obesity is a long process. It requires tedious and individual diagnostics. And scientific research continues to reveal new causes that can lead to the emergence of this disease.
ImportantPoradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.