Cress has he alth and cosmetic properties. It is a source of vitamins that our body needs - especially vitamin C - and micronutrients. In the past, watercress was used for skin ulcers and intestinal parasites, and it was also used to disinfect the oral cavity and digestive tract.
Cressis spicy, has an original, pungent taste and smell, although inconspicuous in appearance. This delicate plant is a close relative of cabbage. We have nine species of watercress in Poland. There is, among others watercress for breeding in an aquarium, we can also find meadow cress. However, we are interested in an edible garden variety.
Cress strengthens and cleanses the body
Cress should be present on our table (not only in the form of decorations!) All year round, and certainly in winter and early spring, when it is harder to find wholesome vegetables. Cress will successfully replace them, because many of them exceed the nutritional value. Besides, it is grown absolutely without any chemical fertilizers. Cress is invaluable when we are hit by the spring solstice - we feel weak, we cope with temperature fluctuations poorly, we have a gray complexion and dull hair.
In folk medicine, watercress was called the he alth of the body. No wonder since it was a cure for intestinal parasites and skin ulcers. Even then, it was known that it disinfects the oral cavity and digestive tract. In addition, it has a diuretic effect - therefore it is indicated in kidney diseases. But be careful! If we eat too much of it, it can cause bladder inflammation. A few teaspoonful servings will be enough in a day.
ImportantHow to eat watercress?
The cut watercress is chopped like chives. It is added to cottage cheese, soups, salads and salads, or you can simply sprinkle it on bread with butter. Thanks to the specific, spicy taste, watercress improves the appetite of children.
Cress rich in vitamins and trace elements
Cress contains a lot of vitamin C. That is why it is recommended to smokers who suffer from deficiencies of this invaluable antioxidant (they have 40 percent less than non-smokers). It's also a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin PP, and Vitamin K.
Żywieniowcy praise it for the enormous we alth of mineral s alts and elements: iron and magnesium. Therefore, it should be included in the menu of pregnant women and children, as well as exhausted people.It is advisable to eat watercress regularly in case of bronchitis, rheumatic ailments, anemia, as well as in case of coronary heart disease and circulatory disorders.
Consuming watercress is recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis. Especially those who do not tolerate milk and milk products. In terms of calcium content, watercress is the second plant after hazelnuts!
Since it is a rich source of easily digestible iodine, it is recommended for people with hypothyroidism. Cress should not feel sorry for people with diabetes. It lowers the level of sugar in the blood, and thechromiumcontained in it supports the proper functioning of the pancreas.

Cress for beauty
Its spicy taste comes from the presence of isosulfurocyanate glycoside, or sulfur in short. This element is known to strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling out. Through the blood, it stimulates the skin and hair follicles to produce vigorously. The same is true for watercress juice rubbed into your hair. It is worth knowing that French women reportedly remove freckles and "age" pigment spots with watercress juice, which has a strong whitening effect.
Cress also cleans the blood, so it is believed that it can heal acne, seborrhea and other dermatological ailments.
Home cultivation of watercress
Pour the cress seeds from the bag into a glass, pour plenty of water. Set aside to begin to stick (like soaked linseed). Then spread the mass on a damp layer of lignin, placed on a plate, tray, inverted pot, etc. The lignin must be constantly moist but not float in the water. Cover it all for two days. When you notice the seeds are sprouting, remove the cover. After about 10 days, when the plants are 5-7 cm tall, you can start harvesting. They are cut with scissors just above the lignin.
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