Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a group of birth defects that includes physical and neurological disorders. FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) is the most serious consequence of a woman drinking alcohol while pregnant. It is not known how much alcohol causes FAS, but drinking alcohol once can trigger FAE, which is a lighter form of FAS.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)occurs as a result of the widespread consumption of alcohol by the expectant mother. However, there is no precise data on how much alcohol causes this disease. Infrequent drinking of alcohol can cause FAE (Fetal Alcohol Effects) - then the child has the same symptoms as FAS, but with less intensity. In children of pregnant women who drink alcohol occasionally, symptoms of FAS related only to the mental sphere may appear (physical symptoms do not occur).

This is one of the few birth diseases in a child that is completely influenced by the mother: to prevent a child from suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, simply refraining from drinking alcohol. Just enough. It's worth taking it to heart.

SYMPTOMS OF FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)

  • short stature and microcephaly
  • facial dysmorphs (the face is asymmetrical, fairly flat, wide, oriental in appearance, the child's eyes are set wide - so that the base of the nose seems very wide, the nose is usually short and upturned, the nasal groove is poorly marked (or there is no it at all), the upper lip is very thin, the distance between the nostrils and the upper lip is longer than usual, the ears are set low, often with distorted turbinates, the hair on the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes are more abundant than average)
  • defects of the musculoskeletal system and deep sensation disorders, coordination problems (e.g. a child may break an arm and not feel it)
  • hearing problems, delayed speaking ability
  • reduced field of view, poor visual memory (a child can easily get lost even around the house)
  • anomalies in the structure of the liver, heart, kidneys, genitals
  • increased pain threshold or hypersensitivity to pain
  • hyperactivity
  • memory problems and learning difficulties (the child will complain that "nothing is entering his head", although he is learning)
  • disordersbehaviors, social maladjustment, difficulties in predicting the consequences of their behavior (e.g. running away from home)
  • uncontrolled tantrums, aggression
  • susceptibility to addiction
  • depressive tendencies and shyness

Can I drink alcohol while pregnant?

Secondary FAS symptoms

Secondary symptoms occur in older children and adults, and include behaviors and characteristics such as:

  • anxiety
  • anger
  • withdrawal
  • violence
  • closing in on yourself
  • lies
  • home escapes
  • school problems
  • assuming the role of victim or stalker
  • unemployment
  • homelessness
  • dependence on others
  • depression
  • self-harm
  • trouble with the law
  • suicidal tendencies

The occurrence of secondary symptoms is influenced by the environment and the way of dealing with the child. If FAS is detected early, the child is properly treated and given proper parental and psychological care, these extreme behaviors can be prevented. Such a child can grow up to be a fulfilled, happy person. However, achieving this will be more difficult for him than for he althy people.


In the third trimester, ethanol can significantly slow down a child's development and even cause premature birth. However, it will be a special premature: a child damaged in the mother's body by contact with alcohol - unlike other premature babies - will never make up for this deficiency.
