Stories about forceps births or the use of a vacuum tube chill the blood in the veins of future mothers. Instead of being afraid, it is better to know how these tools are used and what for.
The vast majority of women are able to give birth (and give birth!) To a child in a physiological, natural way - without excessive medical intervention. Sometimes, however,childbirthdoes not go as it should, and then the doctor's help is essential. If the labor for some reason does not progress or the conditionof the babyis disturbing, doctors take steps to bring him into the world as soon as possible. When a threat appears in the first or early second stage of labor (before the head enters the birth canal), a caesarean section is usually performed. However, when labor is advanced enough that the head is at the bottom of the birth canal, it is too late for this. The child has to be born down, through the ways of nature, but - since it has a problem with leaving its mother's womb - it must be helped. And that's what special obstetric instruments are used for:forcepsand the vacuum tube. It is worth knowing what they look like and why they are used, so as not to panic when they are also needed during your childbirth. Good news for the start: the probability of their use is low - in Poland, surgical (i.e. with forceps or vacuum-tube) births account for only about 5 percent. all births. However, even when necessary, remember that these are not torture devices, but devices that save your child.
Ticks and vacuum lifting - when are they necessary in childbirth?
Obstetric forceps or a vacuum pump are used when, due to the condition of the mother or child, it is necessary to complete the labor, because:
- prolonged labor poses a threat to the mother, e.g. she is so exhausted that she is unable to push effectively or has he alth problems that further exertion may aggravate (hypertension, neurological diseases, heart or eye problems, conditions after spinal cord injuries)
- the child's condition is at risk; one of the most common reasons for surgical delivery is the risk of asphyxia, i.e. fetal hypoxia; this can be the case, for example, if the placenta detaches too soon; also too strong or frequent contractionsthe womb adversely affect the baby.
- Note: It is not true that epidural births usually end with forceps. This opinion is long out of date. With such anesthesia, the second stage of labor may be slightly longer, but it is not a sufficient indication for the use of the instrument.
If any of the above-mentioned situations occur during your labor, the doctor will decide to terminate the delivery. You should be informed about this, but sometimes there is no time for it when you need to act very quickly. Remember, however, that even then you have the right to ask what is going on, and the doctor has a responsibility to answer your question. The decision which tools to use depends primarily on the specific situation. Forceps can be safely used when the head is relatively low in the birth canal and there is a need to complete labor very quickly, while the vacuum tube can be used even when the head is less advanced in the genital tract. The doctor's preferences are also of some importance when choosing an instrument.
Forceps delivery
The tongs are a metal device that looks a bit like two large lettuce spoons connected by a movable hinge. The doctor inserts one spoon into the birth canal, then another. When both spoons wrap around the baby's head, the forceps close together. During contraction, the doctor moves the baby towards the mouth. Usually, 2-3 tractions are enough to bring the child outside, which means that the procedure lasts as much as 2-3 contractions. This is the great advantage of ticks - they are invaluable when every minute counts. Forceps - as opposed to a vacuum pump - can also be used when the extraction of the fetus requires turning the head. Forceps are an instrument that has been used since the 17th century, but experienced obstetricians believe that their skillful use is still the best way to get your baby out into the world quickly when needed. However, fewer and fewer doctors are able to use forceps efficiently. This is probably one of the reasons for their less and less use. In recent years, in Poland (and in the world), fewer and fewer procedures with the use of obstetric forceps have been recorded, and more and more with the use of a vacuum extractor.
ImportantThe vast majority of births are uneventful. If tools are used, don't blame yourself for it, it's not your fault! The forceps and the vacuum extractor serve the child's good - they can save his life. Both instruments in the hands of an experienced obstetrician do not pose a greater threat to a child.
The forceps and vacuum pump cannot be used when the weight of the baby is toolow and in situations where vaginal delivery is impossible, e.g. in the case of birth disproportionate (the baby is large and the mother has a narrow pelvis), in the incorrect position of the fetus (transverse).
Childbirth with the use of a vacuum pump
This device appeared in delivery rooms in the 1950s. It is used for the same purpose as the forceps: to get the baby out quickly when necessary. The obstetric vacuum tube (also called vacuum) consists of a device that generates a vacuum (pumps) and a tip connected to it with a rubber cable, the so-called pads. The pelotte, which is shaped like a flat cup, is placed on the child's head above the crown. The created negative pressure makes the pad suck on the head. Thanks to this, the doctor helps the head come out by pulling the suction cup. The cooperation of the doctor with the mother in labor is important, because (as with forceps) it is easier to extract the child when the mother passes through the mother. The vacuum tube, like forceps, is used only when the fetus is in the oblong head position.
Effects on the child
The use of tools often saves a child's life, but is also associated with some risks. Fortunately, it's not that big. Usually the only signs of a surgical delivery are fatigue and minor external injuries.
After ticks
- skin abrasions, bruising or deformation on the head; they heal in a few days
- more serious complications are very rare: damage to the brachial plexus or the facial nerve (after the forceps); in this case, the child must be examined by a neurologist, perhaps the baby will require rehabilitation - it is also necessary in the case of hypoxia
After the vacuum tube
- swelling and bruising on the rim-shaped head - they are absorbed after a few days
- hematomas and intracranial bleeding - then you need to perform an ultrasound of the child's head, but usually these are also harmless injuries and are absorbed after a few or several days.
What awaits mom
The surgical delivery is, of course, associated with greater interference with the woman's body. Before using the obstetric tools, the bladder will be emptied using a catheter. It is also impossible to avoid an incision in the perineum - this is especially true for forceps, because you need to make room for them. The incision will probably be larger than in physical labor, but local anesthesia is usually used first. Forceps delivery may result in minor injuries to the vagina and cervix, and (rarely) - damage to the anal sphincter. That is why a woman feels worse after such a childbirth and it takes longer to regain good shape. It also requires moreexaminations and visits to the gynecologist. But that's not all. A difficult childbirth completed with surgery is, above all, enormous stress for the woman in labor, which may leave traces in the psyche. Some women blame themselves for failing at such an important moment. They feel inferior and therefore more prone to depression. That is why it is worth knowing in advance what such a delivery looks like and what it is associated with. And also realize some truths. Don't be prepared for complications, but if they do arise, don't panic. It just happens sometimes. Trust the doctors, cooperate with them and be of good cheer - this way you will increase the chances of avoiding complications.
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