The color of the tongue shows the state of our he alth. Ancient Chinese medicine treated the appearance of the tongue as one of the determinants of the condition of the whole organism. Check what the white coating on your tongue shows and which vitamins you are missing if your tongue turns bluish.

- Few patients ask about the tongue, but every dentist pays attention tothe appearance of the tongueduring the review, even if he or she does not speak about it. Not onlythe color of the tongueis important, but also discoloration, canker sores or erosions. For a dentist, it can be a source of information about inflammation or mycosis in the oral cavity. Sometimes changes require pharmacological treatment - explains Dr. Mariusz Duda from Duda Clinic in Katowice.

And what can we observe ourselves while brushing our teeth?

As evidenced by the white coating on the tongue?

Most people's language has a whitish coating on it. The taste warts are responsible for this color, as well as bacteria that feed on food remnants. However, if the raid intensifies and becomes whiter, we should check with the dentist if it is not an attack of mycosis. The development of candidiasis is favored by taking antibiotics and certain medications, which lead to the imbalance of the bacterial flora, e.g. in the mouth.

That is why it is so important to drink natural yoghurt containing live bacteria. If you are diagnosed with ringworm, you will need to take anti-fungal medications. The treatment should continue for some time after the symptoms have disappeared, so as not to lead to the relapse of the disease. In some cases, a persistent white-gray coating may indicate syphilis or anemia.

The appearance of the tongue and disease

Brown or purple tongue indicates vitamin B12 and B2 deficiency

A dark brown tongue may be a sign of digestive problems or hypoxia. A purple, bluish or dark gray color may indicate a deficiency of B12 and B2 vitamins.

Please note that the color of the tongue may change when taking certain medications, lozenges, as well as under the influence of drinks, food and fever. Any kind of change should be watched, but not panic. It often turns out that it is not intestinal problems, but blackcurrant juice that causes discoloration on the tongue.

Painful blemishes ontongue appear after antibiotic therapy

Ulcers, canker sores, erosions may appear on the tongue when the body is weakened or after antibiotic therapy. If there are several of them, they are large and painful, then we should seek help. There are inexpensive preparations in the form of gels, sprays or liquids available at the pharmacy that can speed up healing.

The gentian, a commonly available liquid resembling ink, which applied to the wounds with a cotton swab, disinfects them and relieves pain, is also helpful. Most lesions, such as canker sores, resolve on their own within 7-10 days. However, if the problem persists, we should consult a dentist.

A yellow tongue is a symptom of a stomach upset

The yellow tarnish on the tongue may be caused by a bacterial infection or the reflux of stomach acids. The problem with acid reflux disrupts the natural bacterial balance in the mouth. Eating a lot of coffee or spicy spices can also make the tongue appear yellow. Sometimes a similar color is associated with gastric ulcer disease.

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