The urine iodine test is performed to assess the functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is an element that is responsible for its proper functioning. Its deficiency can lead to many serious diseases, not only the thyroid gland. Find out what are the indications for a urine iodine test and how to interpret the test results.

Theurine iodine testis used to assess the condition of the thyroid gland. Iodine is the basic ingredient necessary for the synthesis of thyroxine (T4) and its active form of triiodothyronine (T3) - thyroid hormones, without which the body cannot function properly. The proper concentration of these hormones in the blood depends, among others, on proper development and functioning of the brain, nervous system, pituitary gland, muscles, heart, kidneys.

In Poland, a serious problem is iodine deficiency, resulting from insufficient supply of this element with the diet. This condition increases the risk of developing thyroid diseases (including hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer). Depending on the degree of iodine deficiency, it may also occur, inter alia, for disorders of the menstrual cycle and other dysfunctions related to fertility, irreversible brain damage in the fetus, delayed psychomotor development in children, or decreased IQ in children.

In order to assess the concentration of this element in the body, a urine test is performed, because as much as 80% of iodine is excreted by the kidneys with urine.

In addition to testing the iodine level in the urine, the volume of the thyroid gland is measured by ultrasound. According to the World He alth Organization (WHO) and the International Commission on the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorder (ICCIDD), these two studies are the best measures of assessing thyroid he alth and dietary iodine deficiency.

Iodine level in urine - indications for the test

The body contains approx. 40 mg of iodine, of which 75 percent. accumulates in the thyroid gland. In the case of a deficiency of this element, the thyroid gland is enlarged, i.e. endemic goiter. The thyroid gland enlarges to absorb as much of the iodine as possible circulating in the blood throughout the body with a larger surface area. Therefore, the so-called goiter is an indication for ordering a urine iodine test.

Also other symptoms, such as lethargy, mental slowness, decreased intellectual performance, lower body temperature and feeling cold,dry and flaky skin is an indication for the examination. These could be signs of advanced hypothyroidism.

Urine iodine - what is it about?

The test involves taking a urine sample from the daily collection and taking it to the laboratory.


Urine Iodine Levels - Normal

According to WHO, the proper supply of iodine to a given population is confirmed if the mean urinary iodine concentration exceeds 100 µg / l. The upper limit, however, cannot exceed 250 µg / l.

The International Commission on Iodine Deficiency Disorders, in turn, recognized the concentration of iodine in the urine (UIC) equal to 0.79 μmol / dm3 as the minimum threshold value at which the demand for this element is still met.

Urine Iodine Level - Results

According to WHO, mild iodine deficiency occurs when the concentration of this element in the urine is between 50 and 99 µg / L.

Moderate deficiency, on the other hand, is seen when iodine levels fluctuate between 20 and 49 µg / L.

However, a severe iodine deficiency can be described when its excretion is below 20 mg / l.

IMPORTANT>>Diet to supplement iodine deficiency in the body
