The daily collection of urine allows you to obtain information not only about the work of the urinary system, but the whole organism. Therefore, the daily collection of urine is one of the most frequent tests ordered by the patient. How to prepare for this study? What are the standards for this test? How to interpret the results of the daily urine collection?
The daily urine collectionallows you to assess the fluid balance in the body and calculate the amount of a given chemical compound, e.g. protein, sugar, leukocytes, hormones (e.g. cortisol) or mineral elements ( e.g. potassium, calcium) in urine collected over 24 hours.
Daily urine collection - indications
The daily collection of urine is performed mainly in the case of diseases of the urinary system (mainly kidney diseases). Other indications for examination are metabolic diseases or disorders, e.g., suspected diabetes, acidosis or alkalosis. The doctor may order the patient to collect daily urine also in the case of suspected parathyroid and thyroid diseases or osteoporosis, as well as in dialysis, in parenteral nutrition, in the case of alcohol abuse, suspected vitamin D deficiency. For example, the diurnal excretion of potassium in the urine is performed in the diagnosis and differentiation of the causes of decreased (hypokalemia) or increased (hyperkalemia) blood potassium.
Daily urine collection - how to prepare?
Patients should have a large 2-3 liter graduated container, into which they urinate 24 hours a day, and a disposable container, into which part of the urine from the collection container should be poured.Containers for the daily collection of urinecan be purchased at the pharmacy. Its price is around PLN 20. A disposable container costs about PLN 1.
ImportantDaily urine collection - contraindications
On the day before the examination, you should avoid strenuous physical exertion, consuming a large amount of protein, hot baths, and stress, as these are factors that may cause proteinuria and elevated uric acid levels. A fever may have similar effects, therefore people with elevated temperature should not perform this test.
It is also inadvisable to consume alcohol, because drinking it is highthe dose increases the concentration of urea.
Women should not perform the test 2 days before the expected menstruation, right after the end of the period, and also during ovulation (due to the possible admixture of blood).
Daily urine collection - what is it?
The daily collection of urine consists in urinating into one container for 24 hours.
The daily urine collection begins in the morning. The first dose of urine in the morning (after the night) should be passed to the toilet and the time of urination should be recorded. From now on, for the next 24 hours, each additional urine should be transferred to a graduated container. After each urination, the container should be put in the refrigerator. The daily collection of urine ends with the transfer of the morning urine to the container on the next day.
Appropriate urinary stabilization measures may be taken if the physician deems it necessary.
Urine collection should end at the time it has started. For example, if the collection started at 7 a.m. on Monday, it must end at 7 a.m. on Tuesday.
After the collection is completed, thoroughly mix the contents of the container and then measure its volume. Then a portion (50-100 ml) of the mixed urine should be poured into a disposable container and tightly closed. The container should be brought to the laboratory as soon as possible. The sample must be accompanied by a sheet with information about the start and end time of the collection and the total volume of urine collected during the day.
Important1. Collection begins with the second urination on the first day and ends with the first urination on the following day. During the 24-hour collection of urine, no urine portion may be missed. If even one urine is not returned to the container within 24 hours, the collection should be started from the beginning. Otherwise, the test results may be distorted. 3. Before urinating into the container, you should take care of the hygiene of the genital area. 4. Record the exact time when the urine collection begins and ends. 5. Keep your urine collection container in the refrigerator around the clock. 6. After the collection is finished, the urine in the vessel should be thoroughly mixed.
Daily urine collection - the norm. Interpreting the results
An adult person urinates about 1500 ml of urine per day, the amount varies and depends on the amount of consumed fluids - in the case of drinking a large amount of fluids, more urine is released than expected. You can also urinate more after a hot or cold bath.
In the case of the daily urine collection, the concentration is most often determined:
- proteins -if the protein is present in the urine at a concentration greater than 10 mg / dl, it is called proteinuria;
- sugar - the norm of sugar in the urine is max. 180 mg%, after exceeding this limit, we are talking about glucosuria. Glycosuria occurs primarily in decompensated diabetes;
- leukocytes - from 1.5 million. up to 2.5 million Exceeding the specified norm indicates leukocyturia, which is most often caused by inflammatory changes in the urinary system;
- rollers - the standard is from 2,000 up to 5,000 vitreous rollers daily;
Among the hormones, the concentration of cortisol in the urine is the most frequently determined (the norm is 80-120 µg / 24h).
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The most common minerals are potassium (25-100 mmol / 24h), sodium (40-220mmol / 24h) and calcium (7.5 mmol / 24h). Certain medications can affect your urine test. For example, cannabinoids increase urea concentration and decrease uric acid concentration.