Hyperthyroidism means the acceleration of the work of other organs, e.g. heart, liver. It increases the metabolism, intensifies bowel movements, causes diarrhea, so you start to lose excess weight. In addition, an overactive thyroid gland increases emotional tension and you become more nervous. What tests will confirm that an overactive thyroid is to blame?

An overactive thyroid glandcan have a variety of causes. The followingthyroid testscan help you determine if your symptoms are due to an overactive thyroid gland.

Hyperthyroidism: TSH, T3 and T4 test

The easiest way to diagnose hyperthyroidism is by performing a blood test and determining the level of T3, T4 and TSH (thyrotropin) hormones - a hormone of the pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid gland. The results may differ depending on the analytical method, so it is worth doing further tests in the same laboratory during the treatment.

Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed when a decreased TSH concentration is accompanied by an elevated FT4 and / or FT3 concentration in the serum. Subsequent tests will be performed to determine the cause of the abnormal thyroid gland function.

Hyperthyroidism: ultrasound, fine needle aspiration biopsy, X-ray

The doctor usually orders the determination of anti-thyroid antibodies in the serum, especially anti-TSH receptor antibodies (anti-TSHR): elevated levels of anti-TSHR are typical of Graves' disease.

As a result of the excessive production of hormones, "cold" (not producing hormones) and "hot" (active) nodules are often formed. Both are at risk of becoming malignant (mainly active). Your doctor may order an ultrasound, scintigraphy, or fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), and a chest X-ray. These tests help to determine the type and size of the nodules. A biopsy gives an answer to the question of whether the nodules are malignant or not. The X-ray image shows if the thyroid gland grows towards the trachea. Then it creates the so-called retrosternal goitre, invisible but obstructing breathing.

Hyperthyroidism: scintigraphy

To make a precise diagnosis, a thyroid test called scintigraphy is performed. The patient gets the radioactive iodine isotope in a capsule or in a liquid. As the iodine enters the thyroid gland, radiation begins to be emitted, which is recorded bygamma camera. Hot lumps absorb iodine, cold lumps do not. On the monitor, the doctor can see those places that have absorbed iodine and those that are free from it. The picture is multicolored. This is how a map of the thyroid gland is created - a scintigraphy.
