Untreated heart diseases pose a great risk to the patient's life. Basic diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases allows you to enjoy your he alth as long as possible. Thanks to regular cardiological examinations, it is possible to prevent, for example, ischemic heart disease, and thus - a heart attack. What cardiological tests are performed in the diagnosis of heart diseases?
Basic diagnosis of heart diseasesincludes medical and physical examinations, laboratory examinations and specialized non-invasive and invasivecardiological examinations. Heart diseases , such as: coronary artery disease, stroke, circulatory failure and others, are the cause of almost half of all deaths in Poland. Find outhow to recognize heart diseasewith cardiological examinations.
Heart disease: interview with the patient
The basis for the diagnosis of heart disease is a correctly collected medical history. During the visit, the doctor collects information about the patient's current ailments as well as the nature and duration of the symptoms. Cardiac patients most often complain of chest pain. Usually the pain is described as a feeling of pressure, burning, choking, or simply chest discomfort. This pain is most often located behind the breastbone and can radiate throughout the body: to the upper limbs (especially to the left) and back. There are also symptoms such as shortness of breath, abnormal heart rhythm, severe weakness of the body or fainting.
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Heart disease - patient examinations
Physical tests are additional tests that are used to confirm and diagnose a disease. The first stage of this type of research is auscultation of the heart. Thanks to it, the presence of pathological phenomena such as abnormal heart murmurs can be detected. Blood pressure should also be measured within 24 hours (blood pressure monitoring during the day will rule out hypertension). The doctor can also calculate the patient's body mass index and waist circumference. Being overweight is a common cause of heart ailments.
Heart disease - laboratory tests
One ofthe most important laboratory tests performed in patients with suspected heart disease arelipid profile,that is the fasting lipid profile. It allows to determine the level of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol as well as the concentration of triglycerides, fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin, C-reactive protein. This way, you can assess the risk of atherosclerosis and, consequently, coronary heart disease or heart attack.
In the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia, the blood concentration ofof heart markersis assessed. Their elevated level indicates myocardial damage, necrosis and cell death resulting from myocardial ischemia.
Heart disease - non-invasive cardiological examinations
EKG , i.e.electrocardiography
- basic (resting electrocardiogram)
- stress test (electrocardiographic exercise test)
- Holter
- intracardiac
X-ray , which is a chest X-ray, helps to assess the condition of the cardiovascular system.
Echocardiography (echo of the heart)will allow you to assess the structure of the heart using an ultrasound (ultrasound) with a special probe.
Doppler examination of the heartis used to assess blood flow through the coronary vessels using an ultrasound.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the heartallows for a precise assessment of the structure of the heart and coronary vessels.
Heart scintigraphyis a test that uses radioactive isotopes to assess the structure of the heart muscle, coronary arteries and heart function.
Heart disease - invasive cardiac examinations
Cardiac catheterizationis a heart examination using a vascular catheter, which is inserted percutaneously into the heart chambers to assess the structure of the heart muscle and to determine the heart's rhythm.
Coronary angiographyis a test to evaluate the coronary arteries using an insertion catheter, contrast agent and x-rays.