X-ray of the spine (X-ray examination of the spine, x-ray of the spine) - lumbar, cervical, thoracic and sacral - allows to assess vertebral deformities and the presence of lesions within the spine. What does a spine X-ray look like? How to prepare for the examination?

X-ray of the spine(X-ray examination of the spine, x-ray of the spine) consists in x-raying the specific sections of the spine - lumbar, cervical, thoracic and sacral - x-rays.

The test result isX-ray of the spine , which is obtained on film or CD.

X-ray of the lumbar spine

X-ray of the lumbar spine is the examination of the part of the back of the spine that is located between the ribs and the pelvis.

X-ray examination of the lumbar spine can detect degenerative changes and visualize diseases such as osteoporosis, postural defects, some primary and metastatic tumors located in the lumbar spine, AS and other spondyloarthropathies.

X-ray of the cervical spine

The indications for X-ray of the cervical spine are, among others: neck injuries, headache, neck and shoulder pain, and dizziness. It allows to detect developmental defects (e.g. presence of a cervical rib)

X-ray of the thoracic spine

The indications for the X-ray of the thoracic spine include: suspicion of inflammatory changes (ankylosing spondylitis) and sterile bone necrosis (Scheuermann's disease), assessment of postural defects (scoliosis, excessive thoracic kyphosis)

X-ray of the sacral spine

It is most often performed because of pain in this area, the causes of which can be very different.

X-ray of the spine - how to prepare for the examination?

Only for X-rays of the lumbar or lumbosacral spine, special preparation is required.

Proper preparation of the patient is guaranteed by a good quality X-ray image of the lumbar spine. During the examination, the correct assessment of the spine is significantly impeded by gases, especially fecal masses remaining in the intestines, so they should be removed from the digestive system.


  • 72 hours before the test - drink no less than 3 liters of fluid a day
  • 2 days before the test - follow an easily digestible diet (eat the last meal around 6 p.m.). Do not eat the productshard-to-digest and high-fiber foods, bloating foods, carbonated drinks
  • 1 day before the test - a liquid diet is required: still water, strained broth, fruit jellies, weak tea without sugar.
  • in constipated patients it is recommended to give a laxative 48 hours before the examination
  • you should report to the examination on an empty stomach (if the examination is not performed in the morning, you cannot eat at least 5 hours before the examination)
  • on the day of the examination, do not smoke or chew gum
  • it is recommended to have a bowel movement before the examination

Before the examination, the radiologist should be informed about any illnesses and injuries of the spine (they may affect the image) and about possible pregnancy.

You should come to the examination with a valid referral and previous X-rays of the spine (if any).

X-ray of the spine - what does the examination look like?

During the examination, you need to expose a given section of the spine and assume a position as recommended by the person performing the examination. Sometimes, however, it is not necessary due to an existing injury (e.g. vertebral fracture) or disability.

X-ray of the spine can be taken in several projections:

  • resting lateral projection - side pictures of the spine are taken in a standing or lying position
  • AP (anterior-posterior) projection - rays penetrate from the front and are projected onto the X-ray film positioned at the back of the subject - and also in the side position
  • oblique projection
  • functional projection - this is a test during which the spine is projected in maximum flexion and extension (maximum anterior and posterior tilt)

In the case of an X-ray of the cervical spine, the image may also be performed with targeted X-ray of the spine. It is performed through the open mouth and allows you to see changes in the uppermost two vertebrae and the connection of the spine with the skull.

The result is presented on X-ray film with an attached description.

X-ray of the spine - price

X-ray prices for each part of the spine start at around PLN 40. It is usually an AP spine X-ray and a side image with a digital description, i.e. the test result is on a CD.
