A woman who gave birth by caesarean section undergoes the same recovery process as a woman who gave birth by natural forces. During the first weeks she struggles with the same ailments: exhaustion, uterine contractions, breast pain and swelling, postpartum bleeding.
But afterchildbirththe most important thing is perineal hygiene, aftercaesarean section- special care for the healing postoperative wound. Immediately after the procedure, a special dressing is placed on the wound in the lower abdomen, which can only be changed by a midwife or a doctor if necessary. It will be taken off the first or second day after surgery. You may feel local pain in the area of scars- this is normal. However, the following are disturbing: redness, soreness or purulent discharge from the wound and fever. Make sure to report them to your doctor.
How to care for a wound after a caesarean section?
The dressing, which is put on immediately after the procedure, must not be soaked. Therefore, when taking a shower, cover the dressing, e.g. with a special aqua film. When the wound heals, simply wash the scar with soap and water - fragrance-free, hypoallergenic for babies (some doctors recommend gray soap known to our grandmothers called "White Deer"). Do this 2-3 times a day, and even more when you sweat. After gently but thoroughly drying the wound, preferably with a disposable towel, you can rub it with salicylic alcohol or apply a smoothing ointment (e.g. cepan, contratubex). But these are not necessary treatments. During the healing period of the surgical wound, wear light clothes made of natural fabrics.
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How long does the caesarean scar bother?
Most likely the cut was made crosswise over the symphysis pubis. Now the abdomen is still swollen and the scar is intensely pink. You will feel pain when you touch the scar for several weeks after the operation. But getting smaller every day. Once the cut is healed (itchy) and the scabs fall off, the sutures will be removed. Usually seven days after surgery. The scar will be pinkish red. It shouldn't hurt anymore, but it can feel strange: numbness, tingling, burning, or otherwise - you may not feel at the site of the cut. The numbness of the skin around the scar is caused by the disruption of the nerves at the scarcutting the abdominal wall. This condition may continue for many months after giving birth. Over time, the cut mark will begin to fade and will hardly be visible after a few months. Sometimes, however, in the area of wound healing, thickenings form on the skin. It can be called kelinus. It is not anything dangerous, it only looks unsightly. Some people are prone to such tissue overgrowth. Then you need to consult a surgeon who will recommend special ointments or treatments. Sometimes small lumps appear on the skin around the scar. Such changes are natural - they arise as a result of slight subcutaneous bleeding after surgery and should slowly fade away, although sometimes individual lumps remain forever.
- How to feed a baby so as not to injure a wound on the stomach?
It will be most convenient for you to do this while sitting. Place a pillow on the lower abdomen and rest the baby on it. This way you will reduce the pressure on the wound. You can also try to feed while lying on your side.
- When can sex be started after cesarean section?
Much depends on your overall condition and the rate at which the wound is healing. It is best to wait six weeks after the operation to start sexual intercourse.
- When can you get pregnant again after a caesarean section without any risk?
Usually, the next pregnancy can be planned one year after the delivery by caesarean section. By this time, all internal and external scars should be well healed and the uterine muscle will be able to withstand the hardships of the next pregnancy.
ImportantThe rule no longer applies: once caesarean section, always caesarean section. You can expect re-cutting, among others when the first occurred due to pelvic defects or a serious illness. Six out of ten women who have had their first child by cesarean end their next pregnancies in a natural birth. With each subsequent cesarean section, the risk of scarring in the uterine muscle increases, and the risk of severe bleeding and damage to the bladder increases.