Testicular ultrasound is a test that shows the current condition of not only the testes, but also the scrotum and epididymis. It allows you to diagnose neoplasms, nodules or cysts, and thus to quickly start treatment in the event of any abnormalities.
Ultrasound (USG) of the testiclesis used by doctors in determining lesions concerning the intimate sphere of men. The doctor may recommend them when he suspects that the patient has:
- testicular hydrocele
- scrotal tumor
- varicose veins of the spermatic cord
USG also allows you to diagnose:
- inflammation of the epididymis or testicle
- abscess
- testicular hematoma
- testicular cancer
- testicle torsion
- testicular trauma
- inguinal hernia
The test is helpful in assessing testicular underdevelopment, microcalcifications and cryptorchidism. It is also used in a testicular biopsy when cancer is suspected. Additionally, the condition of tumors around the scrotum, the presence of which has been confirmed by the patient and / or the doctor, is assessed.
Ultrasound of the testicles allows you to determine their location and determine the form of the lesion: solid, mixed or liquid. Moreover, it enables the description of post-traumatic changes in the scrotum area.
Doppler ultrasound allows a doctor to diagnose whether the blood is flowing properly in the vessels and whether there are any disturbances in the blood supply.
Examination of the scrotum and testicles is also used when assessing the results of therapy.
Ultrasonography is the only test that allows you to monitor changes in the scrotum organs during treatment, as well as after therapy with surgery.
Testicular ultrasound - for whom?
The test can be performed on a man of any age. It is safe because the device does not produce X-rays that can damage the structure of the testicles.
During ultrasonography, high-frequency sounds are used to transmit the image of the organs and tissues diagnosed.
The test can be repeated many times, depending on the diagnostic needs. The time taken for each examination does not affect the patient's he alth.
Every man should regularly check his testicles himself and see his urologist at least once a year.
To the doctoryou need to report to a family or urologist as soon as possible, if the man:
- sense any hardening in the testicle (cancer most often occurs in one testicle)
- notice an enlargement or swelling of the testicle
- the core will be hard and its surface smooth or suspiciously rough
- will feel discomfort in the lower abdomen and a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
- the testicles will be painful when touched (very often the patient does not feel the testicle pain and disregards other symptoms. This is a mistake!)
testicular ultrasound - preparation
Testicular ultrasound does not require any special preparation. There are also no contraindications for its performance, but before the examination, you must inform the doctor that you experience, for example, intense pain in the testicles, that there is an open wound on the scrotum, etc.
Before the examination, the scrotum and its surroundings must be well washed. In addition, the patient should wear clothes that allow easy removal of any gel residue. There is no need to remove pubic hair.
You do not need to follow a special diet before the examination, you do not need to be fasted, you do not take any medications. There is also no need to fill the bladder.
If the ultrasound of the testicles has already been performed, take the results with you to show them to the doctor. It is also worth presenting the doctor with a list of medications taken on a regular basis, if such a situation occurs.
This information can help the doctor accurately assess the tissue image seen on the monitor.
ultrasound of the testicles - the course of the examination
During the examination, the patient is lying on his back. First, the doctor places a gel on the scrotum, which improves the image quality and allows the camera head to move freely.
Occasionally, the specialist will ask the patient to remain standing. This is how the Valsalva maneuver is performed. It consists in creating an abdominal compression while holding your breath.
The test is used to diagnose the first degree of varicocele. Lumps in this phase are hardly palpable, so ultrasound of the testicles is the only way to make a diagnosis. A linear probe is used to carry out the test.
It differs from that used in traditional abdominal tests. This type of probe has a much higher frequency of ultrasound waves. This allows the practitioner to obtain a very clear image that shows all the details.
Examination of the scrotum starts with a he althy testicle. Such an ultrasound image of the scrotum enables the assessment of the size of the epididymis and testicle, as well as its vascularization and echostructure. The next step is to printpictures that the doctor deems necessary and describe them. At the end of the examination, the patient removes the gel and puts on a cloth. Maybe return to daily activities. The test lasts from several minutes to half an hour.
Testicular ultrasound - evaluation of results
Most men have slight variations in testicle size, but the normal volume should be between 15 and 25 ml for an adult patient. The longitudinal dimension must be 4.5-5.1 cm. The correct size in children should be about 1 cm. The urologist is the doctor who should be reported with the ultrasound examination of the testicles.
Testicular ultrasound - what is the cost?
The test can be performed under the National He alth Fund. In most cases it is refunded.
For an examination performed in private clinics, you have to pay from 80 to 120 PLN. Even in private clinics, a medical consultation is necessary before performing an ultrasound.
Important self-examination of the testicles
For the sake of their future, testicular self-examination should be performed by every young man and woman. Just as women do regular breast examinations, men should have their testicles examined. It is enough to spend about 3 minutes on them once a month. There is nothing to be ashamed of or to be embarrassed about. Self-examination is best done in the shower or by taking a warm bath. The skin of the scrotum is then soft and relaxed, so it is easier to feel any abnormalities. Each kernel should be tested separately.
How to do it?
- First, roll the testicle gently between your thumb and forefinger, checking if you feel any lumps under the skin. Pay attention to whether the testicles have not changed their appearance since the previous examination, e.g. whether any of them grew, whether the skin is tense or its surface is rough.
- Now press the testicle gently with your fingers - it will be he althy to the touch, soft and smooth. Hard and rough requires a medical consultation.
- Don't panic if you feel a small, hard lump on the back wall connected to the testicle - this is the epididymis and the vas deferens. That's just how you are built.
Removing one testicle does not significantly affect male fertility. The second testicle can produce enough sperm for fertilization. After surgery, a man may also lead a normal sex life. The only effect of the procedure is the apparent lack of a testicle, but it can be replaced with a prosthesis.
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