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A visit to the gynecologist every six months, even when you feel well and nothing worries you, is an ideal. Meanwhile, many of us avoid it like fire, often because we do not know how to prepare for it. Is epilation recommended before visiting a gynecologist? Does menstruation interfere with the gynecological examination? Check how to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist.

A visit to the gynecologist- preparation for it is not complicated at all. Perhaps the hardest thing to overcome is psychological resistance, especially when you see a doctor for the first time. Therefore, it is best to interview your friends first and go to a proven, recommended doctor who has the appropriate equipment to perform basic tests.

A visit to the gynecologist and your period

The best time to visit the gynecologist is the first ten days after the end of menstruation, because then you will feel the slightest discomfort during the examination - premenstrual syndrome is behind you, and any problems related to ovulation do not concern you yet.

The date just after the menstruation is also advantageous for another reason - in the mammary gland tissue there are no lumps typical of the days preceding the bleeding, which makes it easier for the doctor to examine the patient's breasts.

This does not mean, of course, that you cannot test during your period. However, you cannot take e.g. a smear for cytology.

There are also situations in which the best, or even the only, indicated date is the menstrual period - this is the case, for example, in the case of inserting and removing the intrauterine coil.

A visit to the gynecologist, medication and intercourse

For the gynecological examination to be reliable, you should not use pessary medications or vaginal contraceptives for 2-3 days prior to the visit (if you need to take samples of secretions, these agents may distort the results of the analysis). It would be good if you did not have sexual intercourse for 2 days before the examination and did not perform vaginal irrigation.

On the day of the gynecologist visit

On this day, a skirt will be a better smack than pants - not every doctor has special covers for patients in his office, which can be used to protect yourself when you undress for examination.

On the day of the visit, take care of your bowel movements, washonly from the top so as not to rinse out the vaginal discharge (your doctor may want to collect it for examination). You should also not use deodorants or powders for intimate hygiene - sometimes the smell of secretions is important information for the doctor. Just before entering the office, you should empty your bladder. This point does not apply to you when you have a transabdominal ultrasound - then you need to drink about 1 liter of fluids at least an hour earlier.

A visit to the gynecologist: what the doctor can ask

If you are going to a doctor who has not examined you before, you should prepare yourself to answer the following questions:

  • when you had your first period (at what age);
  • how many days is your menstrual cycle (counted from the first day of your period to the last day before your next period);
  • when was the last time you had your period (date);
  • do you have regular bleeding;
  • if you have irregular periods: do they shift by a few or a dozen days, in each cycle, or e.g. every second;
  • if the bleeding is normal, heavy or light;
  • do you suffer from premenstrual syndrome;
  • Do you experience any symptoms related to your period (e.g. severe abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness);
  • what hygiene measures do you use during bleeding;
  • have you started sexual intercourse and have a permanent partner;
  • Do you experience any discomfort during the intercourse (e.g. pain, vaginal dryness, etc.);
  • are you using contraceptives (what kind);
  • Have you had any gynecological treatments;
  • Has any of your immediate family members suffered from breast or cervical cancer.

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