Fibrates are drugs used to lower cardiovascular risk in patients with high blood cholesterol levels. Lipid disorders are one of the most frequently detected abnormalities during routine visits to GPs. In these cases, we can hear that our "bad cholesterol" levels are too high. A diagnosis like this should never be taken lightly. Read how fibrates work and what are the indications for their use.
- How do fibrates work?
- When to use fibrates?
- What is worth remembering when using fibrates?
- What are the possible side effects of fibrates?
- Can all medications be taken with fibrates?
Fibrates , next to statins, are the most popular drugs used in the treatment of lipid disorders. How are these two groups of drugs different? Statins lower the levels of "bad cholesterol" or LDL. Fibrates lower the level of triglycerides and increase the level of "good cholesterol".
Abnormal lipid levels have a significant impact on the functioning of the circulatory system. These disorders lead to the formation of atherosclerotic lesions in the first place. The results of atherosclerosis can be coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, and stroke. Early initiation of appropriate therapy allows for the extension and improvement of the quality of life.
An important element of the therapy of lipid disorders is lifestyle change. If this problem affects us, we should begin to pay attention to he althy meals, regular physical activity and reducing stress. If we have addictions, we should fight them. Unfortunately, in most cases, a he althy lifestyle alone is not enough and it is necessary to introduce medications.
How do fibrates work?
The action of fibrates is primarily based on lowering the level of triglycerides in the blood. Another beneficial effect of these drugs is increasing the levels of HDL, or "good cholesterol". Their effect on the level of LDL or "bad cholesterol" is small. The effect of this is to stop the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Fibrates can also play a role in preventing blood clots. Studies show that this group of drugs significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks.
Drugs from the group of fibratesare often recommended for diabetic patients with lipid disorders. This disease is usually accompanied by elevated TG levels and lowered HDL levels. Fibrates help improve the lipid profile so that triglycerides and "good cholesterol" are at the right levels. Clinical trials show that treatment with these drugs is especially beneficial for people suffering from overweight, obesity and hyperinsulinemia.
When to use fibrates?
Fibrates are a category of drugs that can only be used as noted by a doctor. Usually, before issuing a prescription, a specialist recommends a test called a lipidogram. Another important element of research is determining the risk of coronary heart disorders. Based on the results, the doctor determines whether it is necessary to introduce medications.
If the disorders are at a low level, non-pharmacological methods, i.e. the so-called he althy lifestyle, are usually recommended.
If, despite changes in diet and physical activity, the results deteriorate, it is time to prescribe medications: statins or fibrates. Statins are prescribed when a doctor wants to lower LDL, or "bad cholesterol" in a patient.
Fibrates are recommended to lower triglycerides and raise the level of "good cholesterol" (HDL). Sometimes combination therapy with drugs from these two groups is used.
Fibrates should not be used by people suffering from kidney diseases. Contraindications to the use of this group of drugs are also serious liver disorders, gallstones and pancreatitis.
Fibrates should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. It happens, however, that these drugs are used despite these contraindications after consulting a doctor.
What are triglycerides and cholesterol?Cholesterol is a component of all cells in our body. It is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is from this that vitamin D is made in our skin. Sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogens are also synthesized from cholesterol. Despite its important role in the functioning of the body, it does not need to be supplied with food, because it is produced in our liver.
"Good cholesterol" or HDL protects our blood vessels against atherosclerotic changes. These particles remove cholesterol from blood vessel walls and then transport it to the liver where it is destroyed. The aforementioned "bad cholesterol", or LDL, builds up in the walls of the blood vessels forming atherosclerotic plaques. Research shows that LDL levels are closely related to many heart diseases.
Triglycerides, or TG, are simple fatsenergy material for our cells. They can be stored in adipose tissue as a spare material, or used for the body's current needs. Triglycerides are produced in the liver and then enter the blood vessels as very low density lipoproteins. It is imperative that these lipids be supplied with food. However, their amount in the diet should be limited. Too high a TG level is dangerous to your he alth. Recent studies show that triglyceride levels have a greater impact on the risk of stroke and heart attack than cholesterol levels.
What is worth remembering when using fibrates?
When applying pharmacological treatment of lipid disorders, one must not forget about a proper diet. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods rich in saturated animal fats. It is worth excluding excessive physical work. Peaceful, regular physical activity such as walking or cycling is recommended. Extreme and exercise sports are discouraged. Fibrate treatment should be combined with supplementation with fish oil, rich in omega acids.
Regular medical examinations should be taken into account while taking these drugs. It is important to monitor the functions of the kidneys and liver during therapy. Fibrates should not be discontinued on their own, without consulting a specialist. Regular intake of the recommended doses is essential for your well-being and reducing side effects.
What are cholesterol standards?
Cholesterol-lowering diet: what can you eat?
Exercise to lower cholesterol
What are the possible side effects of fibrates?
Fibrates belong to the group of safe drugs, but like virtually all drugs, they cause side effects. Abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea are common with these medications. Liver damage is one of the more serious consequences of treatment with fibrates. In order to take care of this organ, liver function tests should be performed regularly during the therapy.
Can all medications be taken with fibrates?
Fibrates interact with some medications, so be sure to inform your doctors about your medications. Be especially careful with anticoagulants as this combination can lead to excessive blood thinning. Combining fibrates with glitazones, which are used to treat type 2 diabetes, can lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.
Ciclosporin and fibrates are a less common drug combination that can cause interactions. Be careful with them as this combination can lead to serious problemskidney problems. Ciclosporin is a drug administered after transplantation to reduce the risk of transplant rejection.
- Fibrates - the role and mechanisms of lipid-lowering action P. Sobieraj, J. Lewandowski, K. Dęmbe, P. Krasnodębski, Medycyna Faktów Vol. 8 / No 4 (29) / 2015, 24-3, on-line access
- Statins and fibrates in clinical practice - advantages and limitations, Barbara Cybulska, Longina Kłosiewicz-Latoszek, Przew Lek 2003, 6, 7/8, 26-35, online access

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