The yeast causing yeast infection, or candidiasis, is blamed by many people for all he alth problems. Also, doctors more and more often connect the causes of our malaise and various diseases with the overgrowth of yeasts in the body. How is it really? - we ask a specialist about it, medicine. Dorota Kalwajt, MD.
According to some sourcesyeastandyeast (candidiasis)may be a problem for over half of the population of the most developed countries. Is it a pseudo-disease and a trendy topic, or the real danger that medicine perceives - explains the drug. med. Dorota Kalwajt.
What are the symptoms of thrush, or candidiasis?
Dorota Kalwajt:Very numerous -physical and mental . These are the most common:
- frequent headaches,
- clogged sinuses,
- gases,
- nausea,
- flatulence,
- diarrhea,
- abdominal and joint pains,
- rashes,
- pruritus,
- ear infections,
- dark circles under the eyes,
- excessive appetite for sweets,
- difficulties with concentration and memory,
- restless sleep,
- depressive states.
Affected patients also complain of chronic fatigue.
What causes this disease?
D.K .: Its perpetrator is Candida albicans (white whitewash). It is a type of fungus from the yeast family that lives in the large intestine and is in symbiosis with other microorganisms that make up the intestinal flora. Yeast is essential in small amounts. Participates in many metabolic processes; protects against heavy metals, participates in the process of sugar decomposition. It poses no threat as long as the immune system is working properly, that is, it controls the Candida population and prevents it from multiplying. If, however, the immune system is disturbed, Candida can grow and pass through the intestines, colonizing other organs of the body, poisoning them with its own toxins.
A he althy intestine is the key to he alth?
D.K .: It depends on them80% our immunity . Most diseases begin in a malfunctioning digestive system. In the case of yeast infection, it is veryfor example, the condition of the intestinal mucosa is important. When he althy, it will not allow Candida to enter the bloodstream, with which the yeast travels around the body.
How to find out if our mucosa is he althy?
D.K .: The easiest way is to useburaczków . If the urine turns red after eating them, the mucosa is not good.
What facilitates the expansion of yeast?
D.K .: External and internal factors. The former are the side effects of the progress and achievements of modern medicine:
- surgery,
- dialysis,
- intensive care,
- parenteral nutrition,
- intensive diagnostic procedures,
- chemotherapy,
- radiation therapy,
- steroids,
- contraceptive drugs,
- massively used antibiotics that eliminate not only pathogenic bacteria, but also the good ones.
Candida is multiplied in the place freed after them.
And what are the internal factors?
D.K .: Stress, crazy pace of modern life. Our emotionality - there is a personality profilesusceptible to fungal diseases . These are patients prone to perfectionism, reacting to stressful situations with anger, anger, irritation, emotionally unstable, prone to depression. But the most important factor causing candidiasis is our eating habits -improper diettypical of developed countries.
Drożdżak Candida albicanskochbia :
- sugar in all forms (chocolate, candy, cakes, juices, carbonated drinks),
- white flour products (bread, pasta),
- white rice,
- alcohol,
- coffee,
- sweet fruit,
- blue cheeses,
- all ready meals,
- highly processed foods.
Doctors are divided over the risk of candidiasis. Some people argue that blaming Candida for any disease is abuse. Yeast, except in rare cases, is harmless.
D.K .: Everyone has the right to their own opinion. The problem is that it is very difficult to diagnose candidiasis. No laboratory or imaging tests can clearly show what is happening in our intestines. We may miss the moment when candidiasis is just developing and we have time to stop it. Of course, there are tests for yeast infection, but in its most dangerous and last stage, when it comes to systemic fungal disease. Rarely, but it can be fatal.
ImportantHow can we get rid of candidiasis at home?
Once, twice a year, we should be on6 weeks to go on a strictantifungal dietcombined withantifungal preparations, herbs, probiotics , i.e. dried strains of bacteria that restore the balance of the intestinal flora. This will allow us to cleanse the body of excess yeast and toxins produced by them. Even if it turns out that we do not have candidiasis, thanks to this we will improve the work of the intestines, improve our immunity and well-being.
Why are fungal infections difficult to diagnose and treat?
D.K .: Diseases of this kind proceedwith relapses . Especially when we only administer synthetic antifungal drugs.They eliminate the fungi but not the mycelium . We treat the symptoms, not the causes of the disease. Fungi are microorganisms that have a plethora of survival mechanisms. They quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions and become resistant to new drugs. In the case of Candida albicans, it often coexists and forms a specific marriage triangle with staphylococci and streptococci. In my medical practice, I often encounter cases of chronic ear infections or fungal sinusitis. Here, treatment with an antibiotic, i.e. a product of mold, is often unsuccessful.
So is conventional medicine helpless?
D.K .: Not enough. I know from my own practice that the best results are achieved by combiningconventional methods with natural . When treating my patients, I often use homeopathy, homotoxicology, isopathy, and herbal medicine. But I usually start my treatment withantiparasitic therapy . As a pediatrician, I observe that most children have parasites and fungi. This is already becoming a problem. The organism, freed from uninvited guests, is better at fighting the disease.
In combating fungal infections, however, the most important thing is a proper diet …
D.K .: This is the basis. Any treatment without changing your diet is pointless. Here one hundred percent Hippocrates' maxim applies: " Your food will be your medicine ". We just need to stop feeding Candida with sugars, carbohydrates, and processed foods. Our diet should include:
- groats,
- oatmeal,
- rye and spelled bread,
- fish and meat (except pork),
- vegetables,
- sour fruit,
- olive oil,
- pumpkin seeds,
- sunflower,
- a lot of alkaline water,
- vegetable juices,
- and from dairy products - more of goat's and sheep's milk than cow's milk.
The article was published inmonthly "Zdrowie"