As many as 9 million Poles are addicted to cigarettes. Many try to fight it, but lack motivation. Perhaps if they learned the truth about the effects of smoking and did not allow themselves to be fooled by myths, it would help them to break the habit. We debunk the myths about cigarettes!

The fashion forsmokingstarted in the post-war years. At the beginning of the 1980s, almost 15 million Poles smoked. Among people aged 20-29, 80% smoked. men and 50 percent. women. The effects did not take long to come. Doctors say it bluntly - the prevalence ofsmokinghas led to a he alth disaster. The number of new cases of lung cancer among women is systematically growing. It is higher than among men. Moreover, it turned out that women die more often from lung cancer than from breast cancer. But no statistics can convince sworn smokers. They persistently repeat themyths about smoking , looking for an excuse for continuing their addiction. Here are the most common ones.

1. It is not true that cigarettes relieve stress

Nicotine stimulates, not calms down. Only a heavy smoker can relieve stress, because the next cigarette satisfies the nicotine craving that occurs when the concentration of nicotine in the blood drops. This situation can be compared to some neuroses, where the person suffering from it has to make certain movements under stress, e.g. spin the grinder with his fingers to control his nervousness. In itself, it can be stressful for a smoker to be unable to smoke a cigarette.

2. It's not true that smoking makes a lot of fun

The smoker does not feel the pleasure from smoking, but from the fact that he has satisfied the growing craving for nicotine. An alcoholic enjoys a similar pleasure after drinking a glass of vodka, or a drug addict, when he takes another plot of the drug.

3. It's not true that if you don't puff you don't hurt yourself

Smoking cigarettes without inhaling the smoke can be compared to passive smoking. In order for a cigarette to burn, you need to draw air. Then blow them out. But a man has to breathe, so he draws toxic smoke into his lungs anyway.

4. It is not true that menthol cigarettes are he althier than regular cigarettes

Menthol cigarettes contain the same tar and carcinogenic substances as in non-flavored cigarettes. MoreoverMenthol cigarettes become addictive faster, because aromas and flavors facilitate the absorption of nicotine. While there is no hard scientific evidence for this, the milder taste of menthol cigarettes make more of them burn out.

5. It is not true that thin cigarettes are less harmful

This is an advertising gimmick. Thin cigarettes contain the same amount of toxic compounds as those of traditional thickness.

Learn effective ways to quit smoking

6. It is not true that light cigarettes are less harmful than those with a normal dose of nicotine

Scientific research shows that smoking such cigarettes does not reduce the risk of cancer or heart attack. Only 10 percent. smokers are aware that light cigarettes contain the same amount of tar as regular cigarettes. In addition, it has been proven that light smokers, to get the right amount of nicotine, smoke more and inhale the smoke deeper.

7. It is not true that a cigarette after eating is less harmful

It doesn't matter if you smoke after or before eating. The body receives the same dose of toxins.

8. It is not true that cigarettes promote weight loss

This myth stems from the fact that nicotine craving appears after giving up cigarettes. If it cannot be satisfied with another cigarette, you reach for candies, cookies, a piece of sausage. On the other hand, weight gain after quitting smoking results from the fact that the sense of smell and taste improve, so the food tastes better - we eat more willingly and more.

9. It is not true that a few cigarettes a day does not hurt

Smoking even just one cigarette a day can have very unpleasant he alth consequences. This is especially true for people who have a genetic predisposition to developing lung cancer. The best example is passive smoking - people who have never smoked themselves, but have been in the company of smokers, also suffer from lung cancer. Inhaling tobacco smoke is especially dangerous for children. It damages their circulatory system the most.

Source: Simply Saying

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