Grapes are fruits whose properties have been appreciated for millennia. This long-lived plant protects against civilization diseases, incl. against hypertension or cancer. In addition, the best wine, he althy oil and tasty raisins are made from grapevine berries. What other properties do grapes have and what are their uses?

Grapesare fruits whosepropertieswere already known to 5 thousand. years BC Then they foundapplication , among others as a remedy for digestive ailments, cuts and wounds. The properties of grapes have also been appreciated by modern unconventional medicine - a special section was even created, called ampelotherapy, i.e. treatment with grapes, grape juice, and even wine. No wonder - grapes are a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins C and A, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. In addition, they are one of the few fruits that contain iodine - essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland. They are also alkaline, which helps to get rid of acids accumulated in the body.

Grapes to kill cancer cells

Grapes owe their anti-cancer properties to flavonoids, which are found in seeds, skins and stalks of grapes, as well as vitamins C and A. Flavonoids, as well as vitamins C and A, are natural antioxidants (also known as antioxidants) that sweep away the body's free radicals, responsible for e.g. for the development of neoplastic diseases. According to the research conducted so far by scientists, grape seed extract effectively destroys cancer cells in culture, including cancer of the skin, nipple, intestine, lung, stomach, prostate.

In turn, American scientists in the pages of the journal "Clinical Cancer Research" argue that grape seed extract contributes to the death of cancer cells also responsible for leukemia. Xianglin Shi from the University of Kentucky and colleagues from the research team assessed the effects of Different doses of grape seed extract on normal non-cancerous cells and leukemia cells (in the laboratory) They observed that 75% of leukemia cells develop apoptosis (programmed cell death) 24 hours after administration of the grape seed extract. he althy cells Scientistsalso proved that grape seed extract activates the JNK protein in cancer cells, which directs cells to apoptosis. But that doesn't mean eating grapes will help certain people beat cancer, the researchers said. However, eating grapes and other fruits as well as vegetables will certainly help prevent the development of cancer.

Worth knowing

Nutritional value of grapes (in 100 g) ¹Energy value - 69 kcal Total protein - 0.72 g Fat - 0.16 g Carbohydrates - 18.10 g (including simple sugars 15.48) Fiber - 0.9 gVitaminsVitamin C - 3.2 mg Thiamine - 0.069 mg Riboflavin - 0.070 mg Niacin - 0.188 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.086 mg Folic acid - 2 µg Vitamin A - 66 IU Vitamin E - 0.19 mg Vitamin K - 14.6 µgMineralsCalcium - 10 mg Iron - 0.36 mg Magnesium - 7 mg Phosphorus - 20 mg Potassium - 191 mg Sodium - 2 mg Zinc - 0.07 mg Manganese - 0.071 mg Selenium - 0.1 µg Fluor - 7.8 µg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

1. Red or green, European varieties like sultanas.

Grapes protect organs against metabolic syndrome

White, red and black grapes, thanks to the polyphenols they contain, can protect against organ damage during the development of metabolic syndrome. According to scientists from the University of Michigan, who presented the results of their research at the Experimental Biology conference in Boston (USA) in 2013. A group of rats took part in their experiment and switched to a high-fat diet. Some of them additionally consumed freeze-dried white, red and black grapes for 90 days. In rodents that consumed the grapes, significant reductions in inflammatory markers were found throughout the body, particularly in the fatty tissue surrounding the liver and the abdomen. At the same time, researchers noticed an increase in antioxidant defense (especially in the liver and kidneys).

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Grapes - which are the he althiest?

Dark purple grapes are the most valuable because they contain the most flavonoids - natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and thus protect against cancer and heart disease. Dark varieties are also richer in iron.

Grapes can prevent heart disease and diabetes

Scientists from the University of Michigan in the EurekAlert website argue that green, red and black grapes help lower blood pressure and reduce insulin resistance, and thus - reduce the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. According to the researchers, this is due to the phytochemicals contained in the grapes, substances of plant origin that exhibit antioxidant activity. Even though the research was conducted on rats, scientists speculated that eating grapes had a similarly beneficial effect on humans.

Other scientists say that dark purple grapes are the most effective in protecting against the development of cardiovascular diseases because they contain the most flavonoids. These are substances that increase the level of "good" HDL cholesterol and inhibit the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol, thus preventing atherosclerosis and further development of diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

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Author: Time S.A

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Grapes and slimming

Grapes can support the weight loss process, because the resveratrol contained in them supports weight reduction. Scientists argue that resveratrol enhances the breakdown of body fat. In addition, it has been proven that the use of resveratrol improves insulin sensitivity of cells, as a result of which it is possible to regulate glucose and insulin levels, which indirectly has a positive effect on weight reduction and the amount of adipose tissue in the body. Black grape peel contains the most resveratrol.

People on a slimming diet should eat grapes in moderation, because they are quite caloric fruits: a serving of 100 g is 69 kcal.

Grapes and diabetes

Grapeshave a lowglycemic index(IG=45), but diabetes nevertheless should avoid them. They contain a lot (12-25%) of sugar, mainly easily digestible glucose and fructose. It is worth knowing that a bunch of grapes contains approx. 5 sugar cubes.

Grapes - use in cosmetics

Grapes contain a lot of copper, chromium and zinc - elements that affect skin elasticity. In turn, the potassium they contain determines its firmness. And manganese and iron, which are also abundant in these sweet fruits, give the skin a nice, he althy color. It is worth knowing that these elements, in combination with vitamin C, act like a medicine: they soothe inflammation and irritation of the epidermis. In addition, grapes reduce the excessive secretion of sebum, hence they are a frequent ingredient in cosmetics intended for the care of oily skin.

Scientists proved a handfulfresh vine leaves added to hot water detoxifies and cleanses the skin. Such a bath is especially recommended in the evening, as it relaxes you and improves your well-being.

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Grapes - what can be made of them?

Grapes are suitable for juice, and due to the large amount of pectin - also for jelly and other preserves. They also go well with meats (e.g. turkey, pork) and cheese - both yellow and blue cheese. Grapes are great for fruit salads, cakes and desserts. They can also be added to seasoned salads.

Use in the kitchenalso found grapevine leaves for the preparation of cabbage rolls. Pickled leaves can be purchased at good grocery stores.

Fermented grapes turn into wine. On the other hand,grape seedis pressed intooil . Due to the presence of very large amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and the unfavorable ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, this oil is not recommended in a balanced, pro-he alth diet. Excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids contributes to chronic inflammation and increases the risk of many diseases. In turn, dried grape berries areraisins . Before adding to the dough, it is worth soaking them in rum or sweet wine - preferably from grapes.

You should choose clusters with berries of the same size, without any signs of bruising, and before eating them thoroughly wash them under running water. It is best to eat them with stones and peel, as they have a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis.
