Regular exercise will reduce your excessively high blood pressure after just one month. However, not all exercises are recommended for people struggling with hypertension - improperly selected exercises can even be harmful.
What exercises are good for hypertensive people?
For people suffering fromhypertensionarterial exerciseaerobic (oxygenating) performed at a steady pace, e.g. walking, jogging, cycling, rollerblading, Nordic walking, swimming, dancing and yoga. Endurance exercises that do not require any equipment also bring good results. They have a common feature: they improve the efficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, resulting in better oxygenation of internal organs. They strengthen the heart, thanks to which it pumps blood more efficiently, improves the elasticity of blood vessels, so blood circulates more easily in them. They help you get rid of excess weight (an important culprit of hypertension) and help you fight the stress that causesblood pressureto go up.
Systematic moderate physical activity may contribute to the reduction of systolic blood pressure by about 11 mm Hg, and diastolic blood pressure by about 6 mm Hg. Exercise should be adapted to your abilities and state of he alth. It is best to consult a doctor. It must be done by people with high overpressure and pressure surges.
Your pulse should pick up a bit during training, but you shouldn't feel any discomfort, pain or exhaustion. Avoid tilting exercises as they often increase pressure in the chest. For the exercise to be effective, you need to do it regularly, at least 5 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Start with a short warm-up (e.g. free leg swing, a few forward and side bends) and end with calming exercises (e.g. deep breaths) to get your circulatory system used to working calmly.
Exercises combined with breathing to help lower blood pressure
Perform each exercise 12-15 times in 2-4 series. Take short breaks to rest between exercises.
- Stand slightly apart, arms crossed so that the right hand rests on the left and the left on the right hip. While exhaling, lift your leg straight at the knee diagonally. Return to the starting position by inhalingair. Repeat with the other leg.
- Stand straight, put your forearms against the wall (at right angles), pull your shoulder blades down, slightly pull your stomach in. While exhaling, inflate your buttock and swing your leg backwards (pull your foot towards you). Return to the starting position by inhaling. Repeat the exercise by changing the leg.
- Lie on your back, bend one leg at the knee, straighten the other leg, and pull your foot over you. Raise your straight leg to your side while exhaling. Return to the starting position by inhaling. During the exercise, the loins must rest against the floor. Change the leg.
- Lying on your back with your legs bent, tense your stomach and lift your hips. Alternately, bring one leg, bent at the knee, to your stomach while exhaling. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Keep your loins pressed against the floor at all times.
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