A radiologist is a doctor responsible for carrying out examinations that imaging the human body. The radiologist performs tests using ultrasound, magnetic field and X-ray radiation. A specialist in the field of radiology also prepares a description of the photo taken and makes a diagnosis based on it. Read what a radiologist does and learn about the types of radiological examinations.
Radiologistdeals with the technique of imaging organs (this is the collateral name of "radiology"), and his work enables proper diagnosis of diseases and implementation of appropriate treatment. After performing medical imaging, the radiologist can indicate where disturbing changes have occurred in the body, and also performs their measurements. The radiologist prepares a detailed description of the performed examination, makes a diagnosis and describes the treatment.
We need a referral to the radiologist, which we receive from another specialist doctor.
What examinations does the radiologist perform?
The radiologist performs the following tests:
- X-ray (X-ray)- a test used in the case of diseases and injuries of the osteoarticular system. They are made with the help of an X-ray beam that passes through the patient's body and the X-ray film, and is recorded as an image.
- Ultrasound examination (USG)- imaging examination showing the size and shape of individual organs. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor can assess their condition - detect tumors, thickenings, cysts, fibroids, and identify the development of neoplastic disease. In the case of pregnant women, ultrasound allows to determine if the fetus is developing properly, the examination is also necessary for the biopsy.
- Mammography- X-ray of the breast, which does not require anesthesia. It indicates nodules from 3 mm in size and allows to detect neoplasm at an early stage. The sensitivity of mammography in breast cancer is estimated to be 80-95%.
- Computed tomography (CT)- examination using X-rays and allowing to obtain an accurate image of the examined structures of organs and bones. Tomography is a painless examination performed on a patient in a supine position. In many cases, the test is performed with a contrast agent - in such situations, the patient must therefore perform level tests beforehandcreatinine and urea in order to be able to assess the work of his kidneys.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)- examination showing sections of human organs in all planes. During the examination, the following elements are used: magnetic field, radio waves and a computer that converts data into images.
- Angiography- invasive examination of the coronary arteries, which is performed on people before surgery to replace heart valves. The examination determines the condition of the coronary arteries, bypasses, the degree of damage to the left ventricle, as well as obstruction or narrowing of the coronary vessels.
- Pantomogram- examination performed on people who wear orthodontic braces before putting them on. The obtained photo shows the teeth, their roots and the lower jaw.
- Densitometry- determines the condition and strength of bones. The test uses X-rays or ultrasound, and it is recommended for people over 65 years of age.
How is the visit to the radiologist going?
A visit to a radiologist is similar to that of other specialists - first, the doctor collects a short interview from the patient to see if there are any contraindications for the examination (e.g. he checks the results of our current imaging and diagnostic tests), and then proceeds to its implementation.
Who cannot be examined by a radiologist?
Contraindications for X-ray
X-ray examinations are not performed in pregnant women, nor is it advisable to do it too often - at most twice a year. People under 18 are particularly exposed to x-rays.
Contraindications for MRI
The examination is avoided in the case of pregnant women - up to her 3rd month, unless the mother's life is at risk. The magnetic field can also disrupt the operation of pacemakers, therefore the main contraindication to perform the test is having a pacemaker - people with a pacemaker cannot even enter the room where the test is performed.
Contraindications for mammography
Only pregnancy is a contraindication to mammography.
Contraindications for ultrasound
Contraindications to performing an ultrasound include bone damage, open wounds of soft parts, burns in the visual field, open infections and freshly closed fractures. The latter can expose the patient to pain.
Contraindications for computed tomography
Contraindication to computed tomography is pregnancy and allergy to contrast agents. Computed tomography zthe use of iodine agents is not used in the case of toxic goiter, hyperthyroidism, planned treatment of thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine and allergy to iodine.
Worth knowingRadiology is a specialization in which we distinguish doctors who focus on a specific field of activity. Among them are:
- Oncological radiologist- diagnoses and treats neoplastic diseases using the above-mentioned tests.
- Interventional radiologist (interventional radiologist)- physician performing minimally invasive intravascular procedures under the control of imaging methods: conventional radiology, computed tomography, ultrasound.
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