Abscess most often occurs as a result of damage or rupture of the skin. It is formed as a result of the accumulation of pus in the tissues. It can locate both in soft tissues and bones. An abscess can occur in the area of ​​the tooth, gums, tonsils, liver, and anus. What should we know about abscesses?

Abscessis characterized by the presence of an inflammatory focus in the tissue space. Inside the abscess there is abundant, dense purulent content, surrounded by a purulent membrane made of connective tissue. The secretion consists of bacterial cells and cells of the immune system. Purulent conditions are caused by a bacterial or viral infection. They can also arise as a result of the presence of a foreign body in the skin, e.g. splinters. Abscesses can attack bones and soft tissues. They are a kind of protection against the spread of the inflammatory factor in the body.

Abscess symptoms

An abscess most often forms in the superficial or deep layers of the skin. May appear in:

  • soft tissue,
  • bones as well as teeth,
  • tonsil,
  • lungs
  • or the brain.

Abscesses contain a large amount of pus that can attack adjacent tissues over time. One of the more characteristic and more frequent symptoms of an abscess is pain resulting from the appearance of pus.

Additionally, we can notice:

  • skin redness,
  • heat around the abscess,
  • pain when touching,
  • and the pus can be felt under the fingers.

Although an abscess is often underestimated and seems to be a minor ailment, if the pus spreads deeper, it can lead to tissue necrosis.

In the event of increased body temperature, chills and severe pain, immediate medical intervention is necessary.

Abscess - where does it come from?

There are different causes of an abscess. A subcutaneous abscess is caused by bacterial infection of the skin and protrudes above its surface. It is usually caused by bacteria that live on the skin and form its flora.

In turn, abscesses located inside the body may be the result of bacterial blood contamination, the spread of bacteria along withlymph, an injury penetrating the underlying tissues.

An abscess sometimes also occurs in the oral cavity (tooth abscess) - it can be a complication of caries. In this case, the most common and characteristic symptom is a radiating, severe toothache that often extends down to the ear. Another symptom of abscesses is enlarged lymph nodes.

An anal abscess, on the other hand, is formed with inflammation of the rectal glands. It can be caused by constipation, diarrhea, and the presence of a foreign body. This abscess is formed in people suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohn's disease, venereal diseases or diverticulitis of the large intestine.

Some patients may develop a perianal abscess, with reddening of the skin, pain when sitting, and pain when defecating.

The bacteria that most often cause abscesses include:

  • Staphylococcus aureus- abscess of the skin, spine and lymph nodes.
  • Streptococcus pyogenes- urinary tract, tooth and lung abscess as a complication of pneumonia.
  • Gram-negative rodsbelonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family - anal and colorectal abscess.
  • Gram-negative anaerobic bacilli- abscess of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, gums and teeth.

Abscess - diagnosis

In people with an abscess on the surface of the skin, diagnosis is not a problem. The abscesses are visible to the naked eye.

The problem appears when the lesions are located deeper, then it is necessary to perform an ultrasound examination, which allows to visualize the abscess cavity filled with a lighter fluid with a heterogeneous structure and surrounded by a fibrous capsule.

In some cases, the ultrasound examination is not sufficient and it is necessary to perform an MRI or CT scan.

Treatment of the abscess

One of the most frequently used methods is a surgical procedure involving incision of the lesion under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon cuts the lesion at the very tip of the abscess. After removing the abscess contents, the doctor palpates that everything has been cleaned and removed.

Another method that allows the spontaneous and free outflow of pus is drainage. In this case, the doctor cuts the abscess on its opposite walls. Then he inserts the drains, which have small perforations, thanks to which it is possible to rinse and release the secretion formed.

Setons are also inserted into the openings, which are secured with sutures together with the drains, so that they do not fall into the abscess cavity. Drains and setonsare deleted after 24 hours.

Antibiotic therapy is implemented in people who are particularly prone to generalized infections (e.g. patients with diabetes or immunosuppressed).

How to prevent an abscess?

The main cause of an abscess is an infection caused by bacteria or viruses that enter the body through an injured area. To prevent its occurrence, remember to follow the rules of daily hygiene.

We should take care to disinfect the cuts and keep the healing skin clean. Anyone who suspects that they have an abscess should see a doctor immediately to prevent further spread of the pus.
