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Viral meningitis is a disease most often caused by enteroviruses. They cause symptoms similar to bacterial meningitis, but they are milder. Find out what the causes and symptoms of viral meningitis are and what they're being treated for.

Viral meningitisis much more common than bacterial meningitis, but is rarely life-threatening, but can be severe. In most cases, patients recover completely.

Viral Meningitis - Causes

According to research, about 70-80 percent all cases of viral meningitis are caused by enteroviruses (ECHO, polio, Coxsackie). The other viruses are:

  • herpes simplex , or herpes simplex viruses (HSV)
  • arboviruses (group of viruses transmitted mainly by ticks)
  • mumps virus
  • Herpes zoster virus
  • measles virus
  • influenza A and B virus
  • HIV
  • WZW
  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

Viral meningitis is the result of viruses directly entering the central nervous system or entering the cerebrospinal fluid from the blood as a result of a generalized viral infection.

Viral Meningitis Symptoms

Flu-like symptoms appear at first:

Common symptoms of meningitis are the classic triad of headache, fever, and a stiff neck.

  • moderate fever
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach pains
  • muscle pains

Later symptoms include, such as

  • body temperature rise
  • respiratory problems
  • meningeal symptoms, including neck stiffness
  • Seizures are common in young children

Viral Meningitis Treatment

Treatment of viral meningitis is usually limited to symptomatic treatment under the supervision of a doctor, which means hospitalization. Painkillers and fever-lowering medications are usually used, and treatment can even go ona few weeks.

Most people recover completely, although sometimes the disease leaves traces of fatigue, headaches, and memory loss.

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