This test allows you to check the degree of tension, mobility and condition of the vocal cords, and to detect changes in the larynx, including cancerous ones.
The strobe effect that is used in the study is that the light sensations last longer in our eye than the active stimulus. By illuminating the larynx with strobe (intermittent) light with a vibration frequency different from the frequency of vibrations of the vocal folds, the doctor can observe the movements of the vocal folds in slow motion. Based on the image obtained in this way, the functioning of the vocal folds can be assessed.
The test is performed under surface anesthesia so that excessive reflexes and muscle tension in the pharynx and palate do not affect the work of the larynx.
They are performed using a laryngostroboscope ( then you need to pull out the tongue) or a flexible laryngofiberoscope, which is inserted through the nose at the height of the laryngeal entrance - this allows the larynx to be observed under physiological conditions.