Fiberoscopy is an examination during which the doctor can examine the upper respiratory tract, even in hard-to-reach places, and assess any changes. Fiberoscopy is currently considered the "gold standard" in the assessment of the nasopharynx in children. What are the indications for fibroscopy? How is the test carried out?
Fiberoscopytoexamination , during which the upper respiratory tract is viewed with a fiberscope, i.e. a flexible endoscope with a webcam at the endFiberoscopic examinationis currently considered the "gold standard" in the examination of patients with sinusitis and rhinitis and in the case of respiratory disorders in adults and children.
Fiberoscopy - indications
Fiberoscopy is indicated primarily in children with suspected adenoid hyperplasia (the so-called third tonsil).
In adultsfiberscope testingcan be ordered if nasopharyngeal cancer is suspected. If suspicious changes are detected, tissue specimens can be taken for histopathological examination using a fiberscope. In addition, the test can be performed for follow-up purposes after treating patients with cancer of the upper respiratory tract.
This diagnostic method can also be used in people with voice and / or swallowing disorders, foreign body sensation, obstruction in the throat and chronic throat pain.
Fiberoscopy is also used in people who, for various reasons, cannot perform a classic examination with a laryngeal mirror or a rigid endoscope (e.g. a strong gag reflex).
It is also used to evaluate the side effects of nasal medications and to monitor treatment.
Fiberoscopy - what is it?
The patient is seated with his head resting on the chair's headrest. Fiberoscopy does not require anesthesia as it is usually painless. However, in children or particularly sensitive people, you can anesthetize the nasal and throat mucosa with lidocaine spray.
The fiberoscope is inserted into the nose and further advanced into the nasopharynx and other parts of the upper respiratory tract. Then the doctor observes the examined area on the monitor screen. The fiberoscope perfectly conforms to the natural curves of the respiratory tract, thereforeAccess to all regions, including those difficult to access, is very easy.
The examination takes several minutes. Along with the description of the examination, the patient receives a DVD with the course of the examination.
Fiberoscopy - advantages
Fiberoscopy allows you to reach hard-to-reach places within the upper respiratory tract, from the nasal cavity, through the nasopharynx and middle pharynx, to the larynx and lower pharynx. Thanks to the examination, it is also possible to assess the condition of the orifice of the pharyngeal Eustachian tubes.
Fiberoscopy also makes it possible to carry out an examination of anatomical deformations of the nasal cavities and edema or hypertrophic changes in the mucosa.
In addition, the examination is practically painless and lasts a few minutes, therefore it is less traumatic for the child.