A physiotherapist is not a person after a weekend massage course. A physiotherapist is a person with medical education whose curriculum includes subjects that are also studied by doctors and nurses. Only a qualified physical therapist knows how to restore the patient to he alth. Check who the physiotherapist is, so that you won't find a scammer in the future.

Physiotherapistused to berehabilitator , i.e. a person who uses various physical stimuli in the treatment of patients - therapeutic gymnastics, therapeutic baths, laser therapy, electromagnetic field and other forms of physiotherapy. About 10 years ago, rehabilitation studies were converted into physiotherapy studies, and university graduates receive the title of physiotherapist. In the world, the name "physiotherapist" is used and this name has been adopted as valid in Poland.

Who is a physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist is a person with medical education who is currently completing a three-year undergraduate and then a two-year graduate program. The profession of physiotherapist is also practiced by physiotherapy technicians who completed their training in the study of physiotherapy many years ago.

There are tens of thousands of physiotherapists with a master's degree in Poland.

The study program includes subjects that are also studied by doctors and nurses. Physiotherapists' teachers are doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, sociologists, biomechanics and other specialists. A few subjects are only found in the curricula of physiotherapists.

During their studies, physiotherapists learn about various diseases and their symptoms. They will learn the indications and contraindications to exercise and physical therapy treatments. They also learn how a person moves, how to prevent various deformations, degenerative changes, pain ailments and how to choose orthopedic equipment. They will also learn about various methods of functional human examination (functional diagnostics). They can check how the joints of the arms, legs and spine are moving, assess the position of the spine and pelvis, check the strength of the muscles, test the feeling, determine if someone is breathing properly, sitting, standing, changing the position of the body and walking. They also know how to talk to sick people and what to ask them to help them. Based on the functional test performed, they select exercises appropriate to the statepatient.

Most physiotherapists continue their education after graduation through training and postgraduate studies. They learn many specialized methods of physiotherapy used today in the world. Some open a specialization or develop academically through research and degrees.


Act on the profession of physiotherapist

In other countries, there are laws that define who a physical therapist is and what they do. Uneducated people are not allowed to practice as a physiotherapist. In Poland, a few months ago, President Andrzej Duda signed the Act on the profession of physiotherapist. The Act specifies in detail who the physiotherapist is, what his rights and obligations are, and what is the scope of his competence. The act provides for the creation of a register of physiotherapists so that every patient in Poland can check the qualifications of the person who treats them. The act is to enter into force on May 31, 2016.

Polish Physiotherapy Association
