- Physical therapy - laser in physical therapy
- Physical therapy - magnetic field in physical therapy
- Physical therapy - currents in physical therapy
- Physical therapy - ultrasounds in physical therapy
Physical therapy uses physical phenomena to heal, improve the body and relieve pain. What are the types of physical therapy treatments? What is physical therapy? Can physical therapy be harmful? What is behind the foreign-sounding names: iontophoresis, galvanization or electrostimulation?
Physical therapyuses physical phenomena - light, electric current, magnetism, ultrasound, low temperature - to stimulate biological processes in tissues. It is to eliminate pain, swelling, exudation and inflammation, stimulate or soothe and heal. Therefore, it is often used after injuries.
Physical therapy - laser in physical therapy
The laser is used in dentistry (for dry sockets and fistulas), in rheumatological diseases, in orthopedics - in fractures, sprains, damage to connective tissue and joint capsules. It is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory treatments.
The therapist illuminates successive points on our body with a pen-like device, which has a diode at the end that emits a beam of low-power light (approx. 400 milliwatts) and various wavelengths onto the bare skin. You can also direct the laser beam to selected places with the help of mirrors (photo). Some people feel warm.
- Laser therapy - types of lasers, indications for laser therapy
Physical therapy - magnetic field in physical therapy
- Terapuls, Curapuls
Has anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic properties. The devices generate an electromagnetic field. By bringing the electrode closer to the skin, it can cover a body surface area of 30 cm. The waves go quite deep. The movements of ions in the cells cause tissue congestion - we feel warm inside. But in the event of inflammation, the thermal effect is eliminated.
For this procedure, we do not have to undress, but remember that there are no metal objects in the area of the field. - Megatronic, Alfatron
It is used in inflammation of the abdominal organs, urinary incontinence, in neurological and orthopedic diseases. The diseased part of the body must be inside the housing. It is a loop with a coil that generates a low frequency magnetic field. The treatment is imperceptible and lasts from 15 minutes to an hour. You don't have to undress, but no clothesmay have metal buckles, zippers, etc.
Physical therapy - currents in physical therapy
- Interdyn, Interdynamic
Used in orthopedic, rheumatic and skin diseases, as well as in degenerative conditions. The four cables connected to the instrument are terminated with electrodes. They are fastened in pairs so that two electric waves, increasing and decreasing, overlap each other, i.e. interfere. We feel tickling. - Galvanization(Diadynamic)
Galvanization stimulates the muscles, relieves pain. It helps in diseases of peripheral nerves, as well as in rheumatic ailments. It can stimulate or reduce nervous tension. Galvanic current (constant as from a battery) must not be used in the case of skin lesions, because it irritates the tissues. We feel tingling during the treatment. - Iontophoresis
Iontophoresis uses galvanic current to introduce an analgesic or anti-inflammatory agent into the tissues, as well as, for example, softens scars. One of the electrodes is impregnated with a drug - a substance composed of ions with the same electrical potential. On the other hand, an electrode is applied that attracts these ions and then the medicine is absorbed. - Electrostimulation
Stimulates damaged or lazy muscles or nerves that prevent muscle function.
One electrode is placed on the nerve and the other on the muscle. If this does not cause the muscle to contract, the nerve is damaged. Then electrodes are placed at the two ends of the muscle to contract. In this way, muscle wasting is prevented. It also stimulates muscles that are at risk of atrophy due to immobilization, such as a broken limb. Contractions for several seconds may be unpleasant, but shouldn't be painful.
Physical therapy - ultrasounds in physical therapy
They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties for diseased limbs. They also break down deposits, e.g. kidney and gall stones (this is a therapeutic method that goes beyond physical therapy). The head with an electrically stimulated diaphragm transfers a wave of mechanical vibrations to the tissues.
Ultrasounds can be combined with rubbing drugs in the form of a gel or fat into the skin. Then the procedure resembles an ultrasound, only without a monitor. In chronic inflammation, ultrasound doses should be low; in muscle diseases, e.g. thickening, fibrosis, calcifications, they can be much greater.
ImportantDuring treatments, we usually lie down on the couch, and our body is wrapped with cables or touched by mysterious instruments. It's nothing terrible. No treatment should cause any unpleasant feelings. It sometimes happens, however, that at the beginning in some peoplesymptoms worsen.
This is how tissues react to the new stimulus. The deterioration is apparent and usually improves afterwards. The doctor usually orders 10 treatments. After them, you usually go to gymnastics, which is designed to use the beneficial effects of physical therapy on the muscles and make them easier to move.
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