Galvanization is one of the electrotherapy treatments with the use of direct current. The indications for its use are, among others: muscle pain and overload, inflammation related to the nervous system, neuralgia, conditions after injuries, peripheral circulation disorders and osteoarthritis.
Galvanizationtophysiotherapy treatmentin the field of power therapy. Its implementation is simple - two electrodes are placed on the rehabilitated part of the body, between which a direct current of low frequency flows. As a result of its action, the blood vessels widen, which supports the regenerative processes in the tissues - their hyperemia occurs and, as a result, their better nourishment. In addition, the galvanization treatment is also anti-inflammatory, but most of all it is effective in relieving pain.
After the procedure, the patient has the so-called galvanic erythema, which usually lasts a dozen or so, up to several dozen minutes and should not be alarming. Electroplating brings the expected results quickly, sometimes a series of 10 treatments prescribed by a doctor, which are performed every day, is enough. Depending on the disease state - acute, subacute or chronic - a single treatment lasts from 10 to even 20 minutes. It is in no way unpleasant or uncomfortable for the patient, who should feel a slight tingling sensation.
Electrodes applied to the rehabilitation site can be flat or special, such as the Bergoni electrode, which resembles a half-mask. It is used in galvanization on the face area, including when treating the trigeminal nerve. An equally important element in this type of procedure is the arrangement of the electrodes in relation to each other. In the longitudinal arrangement, the current flow acts in the superficial tissues, in the transverse arrangement, the current penetrates them deeper and the impact on the body is stronger.
Electroplating: Indications
Galvanization treatments are recommended for patients suffering from pain, muscle tension and overload, inflammations related to the nervous system, mentioned above - facial nerve palsy, neuralgia, conditions after injuries, such as difficult to absorb hematomas or edema complications after fractures (accelerates bone union), peripheral circulation disorders and in osteoarthritis,especially when the disease is accompanied by chronic pain.
Electroplating: contraindications
The absolute contraindication to galvanization treatments are infections, especially when they run with fever, and acute inflammation of the skin (e.g. ulcers) or tissues in the places where electrodes are applied. Galvanization cannot be performed when a patient has cancer, sensory disturbance, is prone to blood clots (e.g. thrombophlebitis) and embolism. Contraindication is also pregnancy and implanted electronic devices (e.g. pacemakers) or metal elements (e.g. endoprostheses, if electricity were to flow through this place).