Diadynamic currents (Bernard) are used in patients suffering from back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatic diseases, all kinds of discopathies, neuralgia, muscular dystrophies, but also post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system, also with edema. Their proven effectiveness makes it one of the most-recommended physiotherapeutic treatments.

Diadynamic currents , also known asBernard's currents , from the name of a French physician who distinguished six types - DF, CP, LP, MF, RS and MM. They have different uses:

  • DF reduces muscle tension and has an anesthetic effect, which is why it is often used first than the others
  • CP increases blood circulation, lowers muscle tension, accelerates the absorption of post-traumatic hematomas
  • LP has an analgesic effect. MF stimulates and nourishes tissues, anesthetizes
  • RS and MM are used to electrostimulate he althy or slightly damaged muscles, and improve blood circulation.

Depending on the disease, appropriate currents are selected and their predetermined sequence is applied, e.g. to reduce muscle tension, a combination of DF, CP, LP will be useful, and in the case of analgesic effect - DF, CP, LP.

How do Bernard's currents work?

Diadynamic currents are low-frequency currents (50 Hz and 100 Hz), consisting of a series of pulses that, when repeated systematically, trigger a specific response in the body. The intensity of the current is adjusted individually to the patient, who may feel a slight tingling sensation during the procedure, but should not feel discomfort, or even less pain. As a rule, therapy with diadynamic currents is painless, which is why it is so widely used in various diseases. The procedure is short, usually about 6-8 minutes, and is prescribed by a doctor in series. For the best therapeutic effect, they are performed daily for 5 or 10 days. Physiotherapists emphasize their effectiveness, and the results are quickly visible: relieving pain, reducing muscle tension or swelling, reducing inflammation, dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation.

Diadynamic (Bernard) currents: indications

Diadynamic currents are widely used. They are recommended for patientswho suffer from:

  • back pain
  • rheumatic diseases
  • discopathies
  • neuralgia, e.g. of the brachial plexus, intercostal nerve, - or trigeminal nerve.

Diadynamic currents also bring the expected results in the case of osteoarthritis, muscular dystrophies, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system, including those with edema. Patients who struggle with chronic pain will feel the fastest positive effects of the therapy, because the currents have a strong analgesic effect.

Diadynamic (Bernard's) currents: contraindications

The list of contraindications to treatments with diadynamic currents is similar to that for all electrotherapy treatments. This type of procedure cannot be performed with implanted electronic devices (e.g. pacemakers) or metal components (e.g. endoprostheses, if electricity would flow through this site). Contraindications are also cancer, susceptibility to blood clots (e.g. thrombophlebitis) and embolism, general infections with high fever. Acute inflammation of the skin or tissues is also a contraindication, especially in places where electrodes are applied.
