Symptoms of oropharyngeal cancers are not specific. The first symptoms of oral cancer may resemble infections in the mucosa, e.g. aphthae. In turn, the symptoms of throat cancer are similar to those of an upper respiratory tract infection. This makes it much more difficult to diagnose and heal the cancer quickly. Find out how to recognize mouth and throat cancer.
Oropharyngeal cancer symptomsare usually not recognized in the early stages of the disease. A patient who notices a change in the tongue or lip usually does not suspect that this is the beginning of the tumor. Then, for a long time, he unsuccessfully uses antiseptics (e.g. against canker sores).
The same applies to throat cancer, the symptoms of which are similar to those of an upper respiratory tract infection. Then the patient uses drugs for hoarseness and sore throat - the first symptoms of throat cancer. For these reasons, patients report to a doctor with symptoms suggesting a significant degree of cancer advancement. Therefore, if any changes in the mouth (e.g. aphthas) or hoarseness or sore throat, despite treatment, persist for more than 2 weeks, you should see a checkup.
Oropharyngeal Cancer: Symptoms
The most characteristicsymptoms of oral cancerare white or red spots or sores or lumps. They can be located on the lateral surface of the tongue (tongue cancer) or on the labia, usually the lower one (in lip cancer).
Cancer of the floor of the mouthusually infiltrates part of the lateral cavity. In turncheek cancerusually is located at the mouth of the salivary gland. A lump may also appear on the gum, hard palate and altoid triangle (behind the second molar in the mandible, the mandibular body turns into a mandibular branch). Then the following appear:
- pain,
- feeling of numbness in the mouth,
- szczękościsk,
- mouth bleeding,
- drooling,
- bad breath.
In turnthe first symptoms of throat cancerare hoarseness that lasts more than 2 weeks and a sore throat. In addition, the patient may complain of difficulty in breathing, and in the advanced stage of the disease, of shortness of breath and the feeling of a foreign body in the throat, as well as pain atswallowing, which often radiates into the ear. Often the accompanying symptom is an unpleasant smell from the mouth.
In both cases, the characteristic symptom isenlargement of the lymph nodes in the neckas a result of tumor metastasis.