The transverse flat feet do not cause pain for many people throughout their lives. Therefore, orthopedists do not treat it as a disease entity. It becomes so only when it causes ailments (metatarsalgia). See what effects untreated flat feet can cause.
It is difficult to say what percentage of our population hastransverse flat feet , but it is common, especially in women. They are found in people of all ages, but are more common in the elderly. In women, such an abnormal structure of the foot is usually diagnosed around 50, when the level of estrogens, which affect the quality of connective tissue, drops sharply.
Do you have transverse flat feet?
The foot relies heavily on three points - the heads of the 1st and 5th metatarsals and the heel. They are connected by three arches formed by bones, supported by ligaments and muscles. Two are oblong (medial and lateral), one is transverse. The third one is located at the height of the heads of the metatarsal bones, wedge-shaped and cubic bones.
It's a gentle arch behind the fingertips. This arch is in operation all the time when you walk: it flattens and rises alternately. It should be visible when the foot is unloaded.
Transverse flat feet causes metatarsalgia
Transverse flat feet is not a he alth problem as long as it does not cause suffering. It's just an abnormal foot structure. However, the disease is considered to be related to it, Morton's metatarsalgia, i.e. pain under the heads of the metatarsal bones.
Its first symptom is the formation of corns, most often at the height of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal heads. Then, pain ailments usually appear at the site of the corns, caused by overloading these points. Inflammation of the metatarsophalangeal joints can join. There is a burning pain in the front of the foot that makes it impossible to wear tight shoes. It is associated with degenerative and inflammatory changes of the nerves between the metatarsal bones.
These changes are the result of many years of overload (this is the so-called Morton's neuralgia / metatasalgia). Fatigue fractures are a less common symptom. They usually affect the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones. They are caused by repeated overloadsrelated to transverse flat feet. Pain does not come suddenly. It most often develops within a few days. Fresh fractures are not visible on the X-ray image (they are shown by magnetic resonance imaging and bone scintigraphy).
Flat feet: acquired or congenital defect
Some of us have inborn laxity of ligaments and joint capsules, but transverse flat feet are often acquired. It is caused by the hallux valgus, which raises the first metatarsal bones and overloads the remaining ones, overweight, gradual weakening of ligaments and joint capsules, trauma, hormonal changes, diseases (e.g. RA).
We have no influence on almost all of these factors. But a flat foot is also favored by muscle weakness and the wearing of high-heeled shoes, which can cause Achilles tendon contracture and the associated excessive stress on the front of the foot. The reason is also hammer toes, deformation resulting from wearing too small shoes.
Treatment methods for transverse flat feet
In the diagnosis of transverse flatfoot, the most useful information for orthopedists and rehabilitators is provided by studies carried out with the use of a podoscope and a pedobarographic platform. The first of these devices takes a picture of the sole of the feet to assess their shape. The second one registers the load distribution on the foot during walking and running.
Treatment of metatarsalgia is usually symptomatic at first. Theremoval of cornsby an experienced podiatrist, as well aswearing the insertsandpelotbring a lot of relief. They increase the surface of the foot load, thanks to which they reduce the overload of the metatarsal bones and raise the transverse arch.
Pads are often glued too close to the toes, so it is worth asking the orthopedist where to put them. This is not a problem with inserts. The best ones are made to order, ideally suited to the foot, but they are not cheap (about PLN 300).
The methods of treating the causes of the disease are more effective. In the case of contracture of the Achilles tendon, it is tried to stretch it using exercises recommended by the physiotherapist or a special orthosis. When transverse flatfoot is a consequence of hallux valgus, this deformation is corrected surgically.
If metatarsalgia cannot be treated causally, because it is related to the laxity of the connective tissue from which the articular capsules and ligaments are made, there are surgical procedures to restore the transverse arch.
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