The causes of anorexia are different in children, adolescents and adults. In children, anorexia may be a symptom of a food allergy. In adolescents, the aversion to food is most often psychological (anorexia). In adults, anorexia can be caused by stomach ulcers or a tumor. Find out what the symptom of anorexia may be.
The causes of anorexia , i.e. a very strong feeling of aversion to food, are different in children, adolescents and adults. In children, anorexia is most often a symptom of food allergy. It can also be the result of forcing the child to eat foods they do not like. In adolescents, especially girls, anorexia may be a symptom of anorexia. Psychiatric anorexia may also appear in adults, e.g. in the course of depression. However, it is most often a symptom of other diseases, such as stomach ulcers and even cancer.
Anorexia in children - causes
Food allergy
Food allergies are usually the cause of anorexia in children. The most common food allergies are milk, nuts, eggs, wheat, soybeans, fish and seafood. One of the symptoms of allergy is abdominal pain, which is why the child avoids eating. If your anorexia is also accompanied by skin changes (urticaria and atopic dermatitis), diarrhea or vomiting, you can be sure of a food allergy. Then you should go to the doctor as soon as possible to find out which product sensitizes the child. This is very important as in rare cases anaphylactic shock may occur, which poses a direct threat to the he alth and life of the child.
Celiac disease
Celiac disease, or celiac disease, is a disease that can causeinfant anorexiabecause its symptoms usually begin in the first six months of life. The essence of the disease is digestive disorders associated with intolerance to gluten contained in grains. Unlike gluten allergies, which can be a temporary condition, celiac disease lasts for life, which means you are on a gluten-free diet for the rest of your life.
Selective Eating Disorder
Selective Eating Disorder is a mental disorder that is characterized by a strong feeling of aversion to food. The disease usually appears as early as in young children who havethey can only tolerate one food, e.g. French fries. Others arouse aversion and even fear. So, if your child is eager to reach for just one product and is moody and purses his lips when trying to administer something else, the cause is probably a selective eating disorder.
Habitual constipation
Habitual constipation is mental constipation. The child avoids defecation, and the stool in the intestines becomes harder with time, which is associated with pain during defecation. Then the child also avoids eating meals, because he wants to avoid unpleasant ailments.
It's very easy to get infected with pinworms or tapeworms in a child. If it occurs, anorexia is the result of abdominal pain and nausea, which are among the symptoms of a parasite infestation.
Forcing the baby to eat
Forcing your baby to eat foods he or she does not like, or to eat too much food can lead to anorexia. In the former case, the cause is psychological disgust, in the latter the overflow of the child's stomach, which is a multitude of fists, and therefore has a limited capacity.
Anorexia in adolescents - causes
Anorexia in adolescents, usually girls, may be psychological. Then we are talking about anorexia. A sick person excludes more and more products from his menu. She stops eating with her family at the table, and when forced to eat, she finds ways to throw it away. When she is pointed out that she is not eating enough, she often reacts with a fit of fury. Excessive interest in eating, e.g. counting calories, should also attract attention.
This will be useful to youAnorexia nervosa in pregnancy
Anorexia in pregnancy, especially in its early stages, can be caused by nausea. Concomitant symptoms may be hypersensitivity to tastes and smells, which also discourages eating. Aversion to eating during pregnancy results from hormonal changes - elevated levels of the hCG hormone. It is a common condition of expectant mothers. However, if your anorexia lasts more than a few days, and if vomiting is also associated with it, you should see your doctor in charge of your pregnancy as soon as possible.
Anorexia nervosa in adults - causes
Stomach diseases
- indigestion causes, inter alia, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, epigastric pain, flatulence and gas;
- stomach ulcer - a nagging pain in your stomach that feels like a feeling of hunger. It can be accompanied by nausea, belching, heartburn and even severe vomiting;
- stomach cancer - manifested by weight loss, unusual aches and pains, blood in the stool, general conditionbreakdown, fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes;
Anorexia can be a symptom not only of stomach cancer but also of any other cancer.
Afagia means inability to swallow. It may be caused by lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the nervous system or brain trauma. When the lateral part of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger, is damaged (e.g. as a result of a head injury), the feeling of hunger may be suppressed. However, this type of situation occurs very rarely.
Anorexia can be one of the symptoms of depression. Often there is nausea, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, a lack of appetite, a feeling of choking in the esophagus. The stomach is an organ that reacts strongly to emotional problems.
Stress stimulates the anatomical system to excess production of cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which inhibit intestinal peristalsis and "tighten" the stomach, resulting in an aversion to eating.
Anorexia may appear in some heavy smokers. Tobacco lowers the amount of calories absorbed and speeds up metabolism. It is said that smoking one cigarette increases by approx. 3%. the body's energy expenditure for about 30 minutes after smoking a cigarette.
Anorexia may appear during an oncological disease