Treatment of a person poisoned with carbon monoxide should be started as soon as possible. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. It works even when we are not aware of it. How to help a person who has been poisoned by carbon monoxide? What to do when you suspect someone has poisoned with carbon monoxide? How To Treat Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (Carbon Monoxide) How to avoid it?
Treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide)should start as soon as possible. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. It even works when we don't realize it. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be suspected in people who develop symptoms such as:
- headaches
- dizziness
- tinnitus
- visual disturbance
- mental changes
- feeling intoxicated
With a longer period of poisoning, loss of consciousness, convulsions, and finally respiratory arrest. How to help a person who has been poisoned by carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide) - first aid
In persons suspected of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, discontinue contact with carbon monoxide as soon as possible. First aid consists inremoving the poisoned one from the room . Open the dooropen the doorand hold your breath openwindowfor a draft, thentake the victim out . After the poisoned person is taken out, their breathing should be checked immediately, in case of apnea, artificial respiration should be started. If he is breathing, put the unconscious person on his side and wait for an ambulance.
Carbon monoxide poisoning (carbon monoxide) - treatment
In hospitals, treatment consists of replacing CO particles with oxygen as soon as possible. For this purpose, patients are given pure oxygen for breathing or placed in hyperbaric chambers. It is a method of treatment with pure oxygen, administered under increased pressure, in a hospital setting. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by the cure of patients in a serious clinical condition, shortening the coma time, easier control of cerebral edema and cardiac arrhythmias, and reduced incidence of severe neurological disorders. It is important to minimize the time from exposure to treatment in a hyperbaric chamber.
In addition to oxygen therapy, be aware that the patient may requirerenal replacement therapy in the case of renal failure or specialist cardiological care.
People who have escaped death from carbon monoxide poisoning often experience long-term complications from the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Followed on:
- memory impairment
- loss of speech
- damage to sight and smell
A breakthrough in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning?
Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the School of Medicine have developed a substance (called Ngb H64Q) that can reverse the effects of poisoning in mice. When injected into the bloodstream, it frees hemoglobin of carbon monoxide molecules and prevents suffocation. A rodent given a lower than lethal dose of carbon monoxide, the new molecules eliminated it much faster than treatment with 100% oxygen. Moreover, the carbon monoxide attached to the substance appeared rapidly in the urine of mice, suggesting that rodents are able to eliminate the substance quickly and without toxic side effects.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning. Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Carbon monoxide poisoning. Testing how to detect poisoning or carbon monoxide?
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