Exercise is essential in the treatment of back pain. Some, however, instead of providing relief, may put excessive strain on the back (e.g. jogging). What exercises and sports are safe for people with back problems?
Exercises that are safe for the spineare thosethat do not burden the lumbar regionand allow you to maintain a neutral position of the back. They should engage as many muscle groups as possible at the same time, especially the abdominal, back and deep muscles. Disciplines that expose the spine to shocks (running, jumping) and exercises with heavy weights are inadvisable.
Check what exercises you can do without worrying about the condition of your spine.
See also: Exercises for the back - 10 exercises to strengthen the back muscles
Good for the spine: swimming
Swimming is beneficial for the spine, as it strengthens the stabilizing muscles, and at the same time relieves the joints and skeletal system. Thanks to this, at the same time, we can take care of the good condition of the back and release the tension accumulated in the lumbar and cervical spine.
People with a diseased spine should, however, choose swimming styles carefully, because not all of them have a relaxing effect on the back. The popular frog, especially the so-called the "director" variety (i.e. with the head sticking out above the water surface) causes the shoulder girdle and the lower back to strain. For this reason, it is better to choose backstroke. Swimming in this way is he althier because it keeps the natural curve of the spine.
Good for the spine: yoga
Yoga is primarily stretching exercises, which are recommended for spine diseases. Most of the pain, especially in the lumbar area, is due to muscle contractures. Yoga poses, or asanas, perfectly stretch the entire body, and thus help restore muscle balance.
It is best to start yoga practice with a professional instructor who will show you which asanas will be the best for your back problems. If we decide to exercise independently, we should precede it with a consultation with a physiotherapist. Some positions require large spine hyperextensions, which are generally not indicated for the prevention of back pain.
PurposePilates exercise is to strengthen all the muscles of the body, make them more flexible and relieve the spine. During training, the deep muscles located in the deeper layers of the torso work especially hard. They are responsible for maintaining the correct posture and stabilizing the spine, preventing overloads.
Exercise with a gym ball (fit ball)
Exercises with a gymnastic ball are intended for people who cannot participate in traditional training due to back problems. Performing the same exercises with a fit ball relieves the back and helps to relieve pain. For example, crunching on an inflatable ball helps stabilize the lumbar region and is just as effective as doing a flat exercise.
Nordic walking
Walking with poles is he althier for the spine than just walking. The poles provide additional support for the entire body, thanks to which the back and joints are relieved. Nordic walking also activates more muscle groups than normal walking - it engages nearly 90% of muscles, including the arms, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. This sport is practically non-injurious, therefore it is suitable for people of all ages - also pregnant women, seniors and convalescents.
Among the cardio workouts, the he althiest for the spine are exercises on the cross trainer. The design of the device allows for anatomical movements, i.e. movements in line with the natural planes in which a person moves. Thanks to this, the spine and joints are not exposed to overloads and injuries. By the way, by training on an elliptical cross trainer, you can shape your body, improve the work of the circulatory system and lose a lot of weight. One hour of exercise on the elliptical trainer allows you to burn up to 500 kcal.
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A bicycle can be a good form of activity for people with back pain, provided that they take care of the correct posture while riding. It is inadvisable to ride city bikes with a low seat and high handlebars - with this setting, the entire body weight rests on the lumbar section, and all shocks are absorbed by the spine. For the back, recreational (trekking) bikes, in which the saddle can be placed flush with the handlebars, are much he althier. Thanks to this, the weight of the body is partially distributed on the hands and the lumbar region is relieved. It is also worth paying attention to whether the bike we are riding has good shock absorption - sudden shocks can be harmful to the spine.
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Dancing, both individual and performed in a group, is an excellent exercise for the spine. Its greatest advantage is the versatility of the movements performed - they activate virtually every muscle part, and also affect the overall mobility of the entire body. What's more, dancing to energetic music relaxes and reduces tensions.
It is worth dancing in group classes - then it is easier to mobilize yourself for effort, and movement gives even more joy. In fitness clubs, zumba is the most popular, but you can just as well go to a specific dance style, such as latino, salsa, sexy dance or ballroom dancing.
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